How to prevent fruit tree "cancer"

Fruit root cancer is a bacterial disease that damages peaches, pears, apricots, plums, apples, grapes, and other fruit trees and hundreds of herbs and woody plants. Its prevention methods are as follows: 1. Strict seedling inspection and disinfection. All scions and nursery stock should be immersed in the following parts of the interface before budding, immersed in 1% copper sulfate solution for 5 minutes, or soaked in 3% sodium hypochlorite solution for 3 minutes, and then immersed in 20% lime water for 2 minutes. Second, improve the method of raising seedlings. Choose disease-free soil as a nursery to avoid replanting. None of the orchards and nurseries that have undergone root cancer disease can be used as breeding grounds. The soil in the nursery should be disinfected with sulfur powder of 50 to 100 grams per square meter or 60 grams of formalin. Third, the treatment of diseased plants. When tumors are found on the fruit trees after colonization, they must be completely resected and then sterilized by 100 times copper sulfate solution or 50 times antibacterial agent 402 solution, and then coated with Bordeaux fluid. Cut out the tumor should be immediately burned. The soil around the diseased plants should be disinfected with 2000 times the antibacterial agent 402 solution. Fourth, biological control. The use of K84 strain fermentation product made in China antagonistic root canker biological pesticides - root cancer Ning, the use of good results. Dipping roots are generally used for root immersion for 30 minutes with a 30-fold root-canning solution; for saplings less than 3 years old, the rhizosphere soil can be removed, and 1000-2000 g 30-times root-cancer-proofing per plant is prevented. In the treatment of diseased plants, the root of the tumor can be scraped with 30 times the root of the drug cotton, and the appropriate amount of liquid treatment, the control effect of more than 90%.

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