Breeding and adult fish breeding techniques of hybrid striped salmon

There are currently two hybrid striped ticks. One is the artificial hybrid of the "primitive hybrid" produced in Southern California in the mid-1960s, which was obtained by artificially crossing the eggs of the striped wolverine with the sperm of the golden-eyed wolverine, and the other female. The gold wolf cockroach and the male striped wolf eel hybrid "sunshine". Striped cockroaches and hybrid striped cockroaches are currently one of the main farmed fish species in the United States and are mainly used in sport fishing and catering. Hybrid striped maggots have the advantages of rapid hybridization, large individuals, strong disease resistance and cluster feeding habits, easy domestication, high catch-off rates, and white flesh tenderness, no intermuscular spurs, and high nutritional value. At present, it has become an excellent breed of freshwater culture. In China's Taiwan, coastal provinces and inland areas, hybrid strips have been introduced.

According to the experience of breeding the fish in the province in recent years, the seedling cultivation and adult fish breeding techniques are summarized as follows.

1 Seed cultivation

1.1 Pond preparation before stocking

Use clear lime to clean the pond and soak it for a week or more. If the lime concentration is large before the release of the seedlings, remove the clear pond water and add the well water (bearish water or hard water to raise the survival rate higher) to about 50-80 cm. Applying organic or inorganic fertilizer to cultivate enough zooplankton, the abundance of zooplankton in the pond will directly determine the survival rate of the zooplankton. Therefore, base fertilizer must be applied. New ponds are inoculated with a certain amount of phytoplankton and zooplankton to cultivate the required plankton. General organic fertilizer is applied one week before release, with an amount of 100-300k6/mu (depending on the old and new ponds and the amount of sediment); chicken manure can be applied 3-4 days before planting, with a dosage of about 150kg/mu.

1.2 Stocking and Feeding

2. The 10-day-old fry should be bred in the concrete pool in darkness until it reaches 2cm in length. The stocking density is 25-50 tails/m2. The suitable water temperature for this stage is 22-26°C. More than 26°C will increase mortality. Rate, dissolved oxygen is not less than 4mg/L, the food is mainly rotifers, protozoa, nauplii, etc., rotifers are the best food, but also can be fed Artemia, egg yolk and cooked soybean milk.

When the fry grows up to 1.5. 2cm, they can be transferred to a pond for breeding. The stocking density is 10000-20000 tails/mu. At this time, the natural baits are mainly floating crustaceans such as Cladocera and sat Copepoda and various insects. For food, when the fry grows to 2.5cm or more, artificial powder particles with a protein content of 45% can be fed.

1.3 timely fertilizer

Timely topdressing can ensure that the carp seedlings are continuously provided with sufficient natural food, and it is also the key to ensure the survival rate of the aquaculture, especially the survival rate from the opening of the food intake to the summer flowering period. After one week of stocking, apply inorganic fertilizer twice a week for three weeks. The application amount may be determined according to the changes in water color and water quality, generally 2-3 kg per mu.

1.4 Domesticated feeding

After 2-3cm fry, you can start feeding artificial bait to prevent mutual disability due to lack of natural food. Adhere to the "four determinants" (ie fixed-point, timing, qualitative, quantitative) began to acclimate, because the hybrid striped tick has the biological characteristics of the cluster feeding, and the appetite is strong, so the domestication is easier than the regular fish, generally 2.3 days Can be domesticated successfully. The content of crude protein in artificial diets was 45%-50% in the previous period and 40% in the latter period (available for quail and salmon feed), and the amount of feeding was 5% of the fish's body weight. 8%, once each morning, middle, and evening.

1.5 Grading culture

When the fish fry are cultured for 30-45 days, they should exercise by pulling nets and grading them according to the size of the fry, in order to avoid mutual food, and regularly use 5 tons of salt or formalin to disinfect ponds and fish to prevent diseases.

1.6 Water Quality Control

The requirements of water quality are not high for hybridization strips, and they can be stocked in water environments with different alkalinity, hardness, and pH values. The alkalinity can reach 100 mg/L, but it can be adapted in the water of less than 29m ore L; Alkalinity is often related to the hardness of the range of adaptation and alkalinity; PH value of the optimum range of 7.0 - 8.5, but the wider tolerance of FH values, pond culture, when the pH value of 2.5, hybridization The streak can survive in the short term; its optimum dissolved oxygen range is 6-12mg/L, the dissolved oxygen requirement in the summer flowering phase is not less than 4mg/L, and the dissolved oxygen in the fingerling to the adult fish phase is not less than 3.5mg/L. During the hot season, pay attention to the fish's lack of oxygen floating head and keep the water quality fat, live, and cool.

2 adult fish breeding

2.1 Pond preparation

The ponds are cleaned, cooled and sterilized according to conventional methods to completely kill harmful bacteria and pathogens. The drainage and irrigation water is convenient and the water source is sufficient. It is best to use well water or non-polluting natural water bodies such as rivers, rivers and lakes. 2-10 acres can be, the depth of 2 - 2.5m, bottom sludge 10-15cm, one aerator.

2.2 Fish stocking

The use of brackish water (salt content of 5mg/L) to transport the fish species can reduce the disease and mortality of the fish species. Fish species should be soaked with 3%-5% saline for 10-20min before stocking to prevent mechanical damage. Infected with water mildew and other pathogens. Fish species should be of uniform specifications, robustness, and disease-free without injury. At one time, the temperature difference between the body of water and the pool water in the lower pond should not exceed 2°C.

2.3 Cultivation density

Normally, they can be stocked in May, with 10-15cm species of 1500-2000 tails/mu, and 10cm below 2500-3000 tails/mu.

2.4 Feeding

Since wolves fear the sun and have stomach, they should be fed twice a day sooner or later. The morning and evening should be fed before the sun comes out and after the fall, and it can be added once more at noon on cloudy days. The amount of precooked fish accounts for 3%-5% of the fish's body weight, and 1%-3% for the latter period. With the increase of individual fish, the proportion of feeding baits tends to be smaller; the conditions can also be used to feed wild fish and fish into the pool. Fish fry, etc. to increase the number of live bait to accelerate its growth. The artificial pellet feed should have a protein content of 40% to 45%, and can be used for carp, squid, fresh fish, or soft-shelled turtle feed. However, due to the hybridization of the striped carp to life-long carnivorous fish, the protease activity in the digestive tract is high, and the amylase is Low activity, it can not digest too much plant protein, although artificial feed can be used to breed, but the proportion of plant protein in the feed can not be high, the general animal and plant protein ratio between 1: (0.5-1.5).

2.5 Daily Management

The wolves are afraid of light and scared. They can set up shade nets on fish ponds and reduce the startle of fish. Regularly observe fish activities, feeding and growth, find problems in time, and regularly inject and drain water, and start aerators in time. Let squid always live in a good environment with fresh water and high dissolved oxygen.

3 Fish Disease Prevention

Hybrid striped plague has strong disease resistance and few diseases. However, if it is improperly reared and managed, it can also cause fish disease and cause death. According to the degree of morbidity, there are generally the following fish diseases.

3.1 Saprophyte: The disease occurs in shallow ponds or fish due to mechanical damage such as pulling nets, especially when the water temperature is below 20°C.

Prevention methods: (1) During the winter, the fish pond should be filled with water to maintain a water depth of 1.8-2.5m. In autumn and winter or in the spring, the water temperature should be lower, and the net should be avoided to reduce fish injuries. (2) The diseased fish can be bathed in salt, with concentration of 3%-5%, 10-20min, once every 2-3 times, or the diseased fish can be placed in a tank that can be warmed, and the original pool water should be used until the temperature reaches 20 degrees. The above hyphae fell off and returned to normal after being returned to normal. Can also be used chlorine dioxide (A, B mixture) 1-2mg / L and add salt (how many are not limited) Quanchiposa, used twice. Or povidone-standard summer 0.15-0.2mg / l, winter 0.5mg / L sprinkled.

3.2 Red skin, rotten eel: The disease usually occurs in summer ponds where the water quality is deteriorated, pond water is aged, and pollution is serious. Control methods: (1) Change water in time to maintain the body's fat, live, and cool. (2) Formalin can be used for 15-20mg/L Quanchiposa; or dibromohydantoin (or bromochloroheine) (content 10%-15%) 200g/mu, used twice, treatment effect is good.

3.3 Parasitic diseases: The disease is prone to occur in the juvenile stage and in poor water quality. Conventional insecticides can be used at normal dosages such as trichlorfon and copper sulfate.

At present, no contraindications have been found in hybrid striped ticks. Fish that live in brackish water or a certain hardness for long periods of time are generally disease-free. Therefore, ponds cultured with hybrid striped ticks should be regularly sprinkled with lime water, which can be given once every half or 20 days. The concentration of 10-15mg/L can effectively kill bacteria, increase alkalinity, and improve water quality.

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