Progress in vascular disease research in China

Release date: 2007-11-05

Recent progress in the study of collateral diseases in China Recently, at the 3rd International Conference on Collateral Diseases, Professor Wu Yiling, the chief scientist of the National 973 Program, gave a special report on the basic theory of vascular disease guided by collateral disease theory, which was received from all over the country as well as the United States and South Korea. More than 800 experts and scholars from India and other countries have paid attention to and praised. This is another important new development in the field of collaterals research after the “National Science and Technology Progress Second Prize”, which was led by Professor Wu Yiling on February 27 this year.
Collateral disease is a pathological condition that is widespread in refractory diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, and complications of diabetic vascular disease. It is an important topic in the field of basic research in the country. At present, there are more than 20 medical colleges such as Peking University, Zhongshan University and Xiamen University to offer complication education courses. Harvard Medical School also includes complication disease as a continuing education course for physicians.
Wu Yiling is committed to the theoretical study of collateral diseases for more than 20 years. He proposed the theoretical research framework of collateral disease--"three-dimensional network system", and made great progress in the application of collateral disease theory to guide the prevention and treatment of vascular lesions, and developed a series of effective prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. New Chinese medicine, including Tongxinluo Capsule for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, Shensong Yangxin Capsule for anti-arrhythmia and Qiqiangxin Capsule for treating chronic heart failure, forming a series of countries in the field of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases treatment New drugs. Among them, "Tongxinluo Capsule for the Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease" won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.
At present, the research and clinical evaluation of Tongluo drugs are widely carried out in China. According to incomplete statistics, more than 1,000 research papers on Tongxinluo have been published in biomedical journals at home and abroad. On the basis of this, the scientific verification of collateral disease theory is The crystallization of extensive experimental and clinical research on collateral drugs has given the scientific and technological connotation of traditional Chinese medicines with traditional collaterals.

——China Medicine 123 Network

It is a kind of folk egg, which is a kind of folk egg. Marinate the eggs and give them five flavors to make them more nutritious.

The Five Fragrant Eggs are called salted eggs, pickled eggs, egg and so on. It is a special and easy to make egg. The production of xiangxiang eggs is very common, and the production is all over the country, which is big and has the characteristics of fresh, fine, tender, pine, sand and oil. The five fragrant eggs processed with fresh eggs are unique in color and flavor. Therefore, the new moon five fragrant eggs in addition to the domestic big cities, also overseas, well-known at home and abroad.

Eggs contain almost all the nutrients the body needs, and one of the many years of life expectancy for many elderly people is to eat an egg every day. Many of the medicinal and medicinal foods circulating in China are also inseparable from eggs. For example, he's boiled eggs, egg porridge and so on. If the egg is processed into five fragrant eggs, the amount of calcium will increase significantly, from 55 milligrams per 100 grams to 512 mg, about 10 times as much as fresh eggs, especially for people who want to get calcium.

Braised Egg

Braised Egg,Five Fragrant Eggs,Vacuum Sweet Egg,Vacuum Pack Egg