Edible mushroom species suitable for summer

Selecting suitable high-temperature edible mushroom varieties in the summer and using the off-season season to obtain high efficiency is a concern for many mushroom farmers.

- Four spore mushrooms: Four spore mushrooms, also known as big fat mushroom, is a medium-temperature mushroom species. The suitable temperature for the growth of mycelia is 20~34°C, the optimum temperature is 25~27°C, the suitable temperature for the growth and development of fruiting bodies is 27~29°C, and the temperature above 30°C or below 26°C is unfavorable.

According to the suitable temperature range of this variety, the cultivation methods of summer sowing and early autumn fruiting are most suitable. This can not only use its high temperature-resistance characteristics to cultivate hyphae, but also can bring a lot of mushrooms to market in the off-season in early autumn to fill the market gap and improve Production efficiency.

The cultivation and management techniques of the tetracystis mushroom are basically the same as the cultivation of the agaricus. The raw materials are mainly rice straw and cattle and pig feces, and the indoor bed frame and the outdoor greenhouse can be cultivated. Because of its relatively short period of mushrooming, generally only 3 to 4 tide mushroom, so bed culture materials should not be too thick, with about 12 cm is appropriate. Temperature regulation and water management in the fruiting period are of utmost importance and are the most important factors in winning high quality and high yield. As long as the technical measures for the production of all aspects of the management in place, the general production of fresh mushrooms per square meter can be 6.5 to 7.5 kg, income of 50 to 60 yuan, is a kind of mushroom who clever use of the market to develop production in the off-season, increase the income of a reliable species.

- Straw mushroom: Straw mushroom is a high-temperature edible mushroom that is sensitive to temperature requirements during its growth and development. In order to allow the mushroom to germinate normally after sowing, the cultivation season should be conducted when the average daily temperature is stable at 23°C or higher. It is generally cultivated from mid-June to late August, which is beneficial to the growth of mycelium and the development of fruit bodies. Plastic greenhouses can be planted in advance until mid-May.

Indoor and outdoor cultivation of straw mushroom can be, but the outdoor cultivation is more favorable. When cultivated outdoors, farmland with fertile soil, loose and air permeability, and irrigation and drainage should be selected. For example, rapeseed and watermelon are suitable for the former crop. Before weeding, weeds should be removed to make ditch around the ditch.

No matter which kind of raw materials are selected to cultivate straw mushrooms, the principle of drying without mildew should be grasped and exposed for 2 to 3 days before production. Newly harvested straw must be thoroughly dried, otherwise it will be rotten. Pre-wetting with 5% lime water before sowing, pH value of 12 or more, and then build a heap of fermentation for 4 to 5 days, the culture medium moisture content reached 65% to 70%.

Genetic genes in the strains in production are crucial. The selection of high-quality, high-yield strains can significantly increase yield and quality. Usually straw mushroom V23, V238 is more ideal. Appropriately increase the seeding rate, can accelerate the growth of mycelium, inhibit the occurrence of bacteria.

Practice has proved that the conventional heap cultivation, culm cultivation and bed cultivation methods of straw mushroom are difficult to obtain high yield because the temperature and humidity are difficult to meet the requirements. The “two-stage cultivation method” in which the bags are used to grow bacteria and then the bags are packaged in small plastic sheds or vegetable plastic sheds can significantly increase the yield.

The cultivation of straw mushroom is in high temperature season. In the management, special attention should be paid to the flexible handling of the relationship between temperature, humidity, and air. Cooling, humidifying, ventilation, and shading should be coordinated with each other to avoid the death of mushrooms due to improper handling. When the soil is covered, the bag should be laid flat. The distance between the bags should be 5 to 10 cm. The gap should be filled with soil and the surface layer should be 1.5 to 2 cm thick. After the soil is covered, the water should be poured in enough time so that the hyphae in the material can fully utilize the soil moisture for mushroom growth. . One of the moisture management is to avoid replenishing water when the fruit body is formed. Second, avoid directly adding tap water or underground well water to avoid causing large temperature difference and making batches of dead mushrooms.

- Abalone mushroom: Abalone mushroom is a medium-high temperature rare edible mushroom, and the fruiting period is in the off-season sales season of the mushroom market. This type of meat is thick and resistant to transport, has a unique abalone flavor and excellent taste, and the market is ready for sale. The price is high, and the selling price per kilogram of fresh mushrooms is 6-8 yuan.

From March to July, the use of husks, corn kernels, sugarcane bagasse, sawdust, rice straw, wheat straw and other materials, cultivation of abalone mushrooms using clinker bag cultivation, generally can take 4 to 5 tide mushroom, bioconversion rate up to 90%, feeding 1,000 kg, 3 months can produce 900 kg of fresh mushrooms, income of 4000 to 6,000 yuan, is a reliable way for mushrooms to use the market off-season to increase income.

- Pleurotus ostreatus. In the temperature range of 15 ~ 36 °C can normally mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus, known as the high temperature type Pleurotus ostreatus. There are varieties of Gaoping No. 1, Sanxia No. 13, Taohong Pleurotus ostreatus, and delicious red oyster mushrooms.

From June to August each year, the supply of fresh mushrooms on the market is becoming increasingly rare. Except that a small amount of straw mushrooms and high-temperature mushrooms are rarely available on the market, other types of fungi are rare, which gives rise to producers of high-temperature oyster mushrooms. Provides a very favorable market space. The production cycle of Pleurotus ostreatus during the high temperature season is short, the market demand is large, and the selling price is high, which not only meets the market demand, but also increases the income of those who grow mushrooms.

There are different opinions about the origin of tea drinking in Zhong country: some people think that it originated in ancient times, others think that it originated in Zhou, Qin and Han Dynasty, Three Kingdoms, Northern and Southern Dynasties and Tang Dynasty. The main reason for the divergence of opinions is that there was no word "tea" before Tang Dynasty, but only the word "tea" was recorded. Until Lu Yu, the author of the Tea Sutra, the word "tea" was written in one picture. Tea ", so there is a saying that tea originated in the Tang Dynasty. Others are still said to have originated from Shennong and Qin and Han dynasties.

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