Su Tie cultivation and management techniques

The ancient shape of the cycad tree is sturdy, with strong trunks and ever-green colors. It is an ideal garden ornamental plant and is deeply loved by people.

First, the cultivation of soil: the best is the fertile sandy loam. The proportion is one loam, one pile of humus, one part of coal ash, and mix thoroughly. This kind of soil, loose and fertile, permeable and breathable, is very suitable for the growth of cycads.

Second, breeding: There are three kinds of breeding methods: sowing, tillering, and cutting. Cultivation with tiller buds is the most common and can be carried out from spring to autumn, with the spring effect being the best. When the head of the old plant stem has a large egg, use a knife to cut off the mother plant in the early March-April, cut the bark as little as possible, and cut the leaves, place the shade for about 7 days until the wound. After the fluid was slightly dry, it was transplanted into the culture soil, poured once and then placed in the semi-shade, kept at 27-30°C, and the roots were grown 45 days later, and leaves were grown.

Third, cultivation and management. Su Tiexi warm and humid environment, a little shade, not cold, generally two new leaves each year. The first round was in May and the second round was in August. The leaves of the cycads are highly valued for short stature. To make the leaves short and thick, the effects of moisture and light are extremely important. Each year, when the cycad stem tip hairs are blooming and the new leaves are about to be withdrawn, watering and fertilizing should be stopped, and sufficient light must be ensured. Until the leaves are fully developed and the petioles are all pulled out, they can be watered. During this period, rain should be prevented. Watering, the first watering should be less, then gradually increase, and apply the appropriate amount of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, available conditions can be used after heaping rot rotten cake water, diluted once every 10 days. If the new leaves appear yellow, ferrous sulfate can be applied to supplement the habit of cycads and iron. The cycads are afraid of quagmire. The spring, autumn and winter seasons need to control the moisture. Su Tiexi light, but the summer sun is too strong, the temperature is too high, the leaves are easily burned, resulting in yellow and white spots. Therefore, the potted cycad should be placed in a well-ventilated and well-lit place in summer, and water should always be sprayed to the leaves at high temperatures.

Fourth, trim. When the stem grows up to 50 centimeters in length, the old leaves should be cut in the spring and then cut once a year or at least once every three years. If the plant is still small, the degree of unfolding is not ideal, all the leaves can be cut off, this will not affect the angle of new leaves grow, will make the plant more perfect, trim should be cut to the base of the petiole as far as possible, so that the stems are neat and beautiful.

Fifth, change pots. Potted cycad should pay attention to change pots, at least five years for pot change once. When changing basins, potted soil can be mixed with bone meal and other phosphate fertilizers, and the time for changing pots is about 15°C. At this time, if the growth is strong, some old roots should be properly shaved to facilitate the growth of new roots in time.

Six, pest control. Cycad is resistant and there are few pests and diseases. However, the leaves of the plants with poor ventilation and light transmission will be harmed by scale insects and cause aging and loss of luster. Cut off and burn the diseased leaves and place the plants in a well-ventilated area; spray with 40% omethoate emulsion 1500-2000 times.

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