Green storage corn stalk technology

By using the silage method, the corn stalks that remain green or green after autumn harvest can be stored for a long period of time, and the nutrients can be well preserved, and the texture can be softened and scented. This can increase the appetite of cattle and sheep and solve the forage of winter and spring. insufficient. At the same time, the production of silage will save half the area of ​​land compared to stacking the same amount of hay, and it will also help prevent fire, rain, mildew, and eliminate crop pests on the straw.
The key to the production of silage is to provide the necessary conditions for the propagation of lactic acid bacteria:
First, in the process of brewing, raw materials should be as short as possible, and they should be compacted and compacted in the cellar in order to eliminate the air in the cellar as much as possible. The second is that the moisture content of the raw material is about 75% (ie, when the water can be screwed out by hand and it cannot drop), it is most suitable for the propagation of lactic acid bacteria. Silage should be based on the green degree of corn stalk to decide whether to spray water. Third, raw materials must contain a certain amount of sugar, and generally the sugar content of corn stalks meets the requirements.
There are many methods for silage corn stalks. Here only the most basic general silage method is introduced to facilitate popularization in rural areas. Breeding Quotes
1. Digging pits choose a solid soil, high dry terrain, leeward sunny, rain is not easy to flood the construction of silos. The cellar shape is generally divided into a circle and a rectangle. The cellar wall is straight and smooth, impervious to water and airtight. The width of the pit should generally be less than the depth, and the better ratio is 1:1.5-2, which facilitates compaction of the raw material itself and reduces the amount of wear. The size of the pit should be determined according to the amount of silage and the number of heads of livestock. The general diameter of the circle is between 1.7 and 3 meters, and the depth is between 3 and 4 meters. The bottom should be shaped like a pot. The size of the livestock farm should adopt a rectangular cellar with a width of 1.7-3 meters and a depth of 2.3-3.3 meters, the length of which depends on the amount of silage. The corners of rectangular cellars should be rounded to facilitate the reduction and compaction of raw materials. In order to reduce the loss of silage, a plastic film should be laid on the bottom of the pit and around.
2. For the calculation of the silo volume, the weight of the silage (cubic meter) should be determined first according to the moisture content of the raw material and the degree of crushing (if the corn stalk is cut at a low water content, the weight per cubic meter will be finely cut. 430-500 kilograms; 380-450 kilograms thicker, then multiply by the volume of the cellar (circular cellar is 3.14x radius 2x cellar depth; rectangular cellar is cellar length X cellar width X cellar depth, unit All meters), that is, the weight of the silage in the pit (kg). Breeding Quotes
3. It is best to make silage materials on the day of the same day. Before filling the cellar, check whether the bottom of the cellar is covered with a “bottom of the floor”, and whether the cellar is covered with a lintel (protection against contamination of raw materials and entry of mud into the cellar), and then start sorghum (chopped length should not exceed 3.3 cm). Trimming the edges and trimming, try to avoid long exposure of the shredded raw materials in the pit outside. The raw materials loaded into the pit must be spread out at any time. If the raw material is too dry, sprinkle some water evenly. Every 30 centimeters or more must be compacted once. Around the cellar, special attention should be paid to compaction. It is better to use stone compaction or repression by tractors. Fill up one by one and close the cellar when the dome is 0.5-1 meters above the ground. When the cellar is sealed, a layer of plastic film is used to cover it, a layer of soft hay is added, soil is added, and the surface is smoothed. After sealing, a drainage ditch should be dug 1 meter away from the mouth of the pit and frequently check whether there is any subsidence on the top of the pit. If subsidence is found, it should be repaired again to prevent the entry of air and rainwater. Breed Price

4. Identification Under normal production conditions, the smell, color, and texture of the silage can be judged by smell and quality. The normal silage has an aromatic odor, a rich acidity, and no musty taste. The more similar the color is to the original color, the better. The texture is soft and slightly moist, and the stems and leaves are kept in a state of raw materials that are clearly visible. If the sour taste is lighter or has a taste and odor, the color is brown or black, and the texture sticks into a mass or is dry and coarse, it belongs to inferior silage. Poor quality, sticky odor, moldy black silage cannot feed animals.
5. The use of silage stalks usually completes the fermentation process after months and can be opened for use. After the circular cellar is uncovered, it is taken down one by one. It is not possible to dig the nest from the middle and it is timely covered after taking the material. Rectangular cellars should be excavated from one end, taken vertically and piece by piece, and properly covered. The amount of feed is controlled at 7-10 kilograms per day per cow, 1-2.5 kilograms of sheep, and up to 15-20 kilograms of cows. Silage straw has a laxative effect and should not be fed separately. Pregnant animals should be fed with caution and less feed. When acid is used, it can be neutralized with 3%-5% lime milk.

Safflower yellow can significantly inhibit ADP-induced platelet aggregation in rabbits, and also has a very obvious depolymerization effect on ADP-aggregated platelets. When the dosage was 0.22g/ml, the inhibition rate of aggregation and depolymerization reached 85.9% and 78.9% respectively. These effects of safflower yellow were enhanced with the increase of dosage. Safflower yellow has a very significant inhibitory effect on experimental thrombosis in rats, the inhibition rate is 73.4%. Because the thrombus material formed on the silk line is platelet aggregates, the reduction of wet weight of thrombus is obviously the result of drug inhibiting platelet aggregation. It is consistent with in vitro experiments that safflower yellow can inhibit platelet aggregation induced by ADP. Safflower yellow also significantly prolonged plasma recalcification time, prothrombin time and coagulation time in rabbits. It shows that it can affect the coagulation system both in vivo and in vitro. In addition, safflower oil can reduce blood lipid.

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