Effective method for controlling peanut field pods

In recent years, peanut fields have been unleashed, and farmers often report that it is more difficult to treat peanuts. Recently, farmers and farmers in Rizhao City, Pengji Town, Dongping County, Shandong Province invited peanut expert Cai Changjiu to guide the prevention and control technology locally due to the proliferation of local peanut fields. The editors specially invited Cai Changjiu to write an article for reference by readers everywhere.

The dragonfly is the general name of the larvae of the beetle, the adult of the dragonfly is called the gold turtle, and the peasants call it "collision" or "collision." There are many types of earthworms that harm peanuts. Seventeen species are known. Among them, the larvae of the five golden tortoiseshell species, namely blackish black, dark black, patina, pseudo-yellow and black crumpled, are more severe. As a result of its harm, lighter people cut production by 20%-40%, and severe cases cut production by 60%-80%. Different regions have different soils, and the dominant species are different. The alluvial plains of the Yellow River are dominated by terrapins of the patina and pseudo-haired gold. The clay land is dominated by larvae of large black, black and black gold, and retreats and coastal sands. The larvae are mainly larvae. Different species of life have different life habits and habits, but common features are unearthed adults from June to July. After a period of supplemental feeding, they lay eggs at depths of 8-15 cm near the peanut plants, and when eggs hatch from 7-10 days, Peanut fruit pin has begun to enter the soil results in the formation of young fruit. It can be considered that the hatching and growth of larvae are synchronized with the formation and development of young peanuts. When the peanuts matured and were harvested, the larvae had grown, and then they sneaked down into deep soil to enter the wintering period. The effective methods for controlling peanut ridges include:

First, change the rotation. The first crop of peanuts is preferably grass crops such as corn and rice.

Second, planting ramie on the ground of peanuts, killing and repelling adult worms on big black and black wrinkled gold turtles.

Third, chemical pesticides control. When peanuts are sown, 0.5-1.0 kg of 10% "812" medicinal fertilizer powder is planted per acre. Mechanical sowing can add a large amount to 1.0-1.5 kg sprinkled on the surface, wrapped in the ridge by the machine or applied to the ground with fertilizer. Heavily affected areas and plots have occurred over the years, and 1.0-1.5 kilograms of “812” medicinal fertilizer powder have been applied to the peanut cultivars in adult replenishment and spawning periods (mid-June to mid-July in Shandong). "812" medicinal fertilizer powder is produced in accordance with the required standard quality is relatively stable, and the control effect is ideal.

Fourth, the prevention and treatment of cockroaches also treats other insect pests, such as golden needleworms, nets, and ground tigers.

Fifth, the application of “812” medicinal fertilizer powder meeting the requirements of the standard can also be used to treat pests such as seedling stage roundworms and other thorny sucking mouthparts and their virus transmission as the main medium, thereby reducing the number of deformed fruit and small fruit.

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