Dog tooth flowers (Figure)

Scientific name: Ervatamia divaricata cv.Gouyahua

Alias: horseshoe incense, white dog flowers, lions, tofu flowers

Family: Apocynaceae

Morphological characteristics: Evergreen shrubs, much branched, glabrous, with milk. Leaves opposite, oblong, 6-15 cm long, both ends pointed, full, bright. Flowers white, salverform, double petals, wrinkled edges, 5 cm in diameter, aromatic; cymes axillary; flowers in June.

Distribution of origin: cultivated in various provinces and regions in southern China.

Growth habits: sex hi warm and moist, not cold, should be half-yin, like fertile and well-drained acidic soil.

Appreciation applications: leaf cure sores, milk sores, eye diseases and epileptic dog bites, can also be used to treat hypertension drugs; root can cure sore throat, fractures. The green leaves are green, the flowers are bright and white, and the fragrance is elegant and elegant. They are excellent potted flowers.

Antifungal drug: A drug used to treat fungal infections(antimicrobial drugs).

Examples of Antifungal Drugs include miconazole and clotrimazole.

An antifungal medication is a pharmaceutical fungicide used to treat and prevent mycoses such as athlete's foot, ringworm, candidiasis (thrush), serious systemic infections such as cryptococcal meningitis, and others. Such drugs are usually obtained by a doctor's prescription, but a few are available OTC (over-the-counter).

Antifungal Drugs

Antifungal Drugs,Griseofulvin Drugs,Clotrimazole Drugs