Six flowers

【Profile】 Six flowers, also known as Peruvian Lilies, are plants of the Amaryllidaceae family. Six flowers are rich in flowers and flowers, strange flowers, even more elegant and rich in full bloom, is a novel cutting material. In recent years, it has begun to be applied to potted plants.

Six flowers are native to the Andean region of South America and were introduced to the United Kingdom in 1754. Until the 1950s in Europe and the United States after cutting flowers for viewing, began rapid development. At present, the Netherlands is ahead of all countries in the selection, breeding and production of new varieties of six flowers. Among them, Konst's six-flower company is the most famous, introducing new varieties almost every year, and it is also the first to cultivate potted plants. In addition, Pothos Plants, Koninklijkevan Zanten and Van Staaveren are well-known companies in the Netherlands that produce six flowers. At the same time, the American Pan American Seed Company and New Zealand Lifetech Experimental Center are also known around the world for the breeding and breeding of flowers. At present, the annual annual sales of six flowers in the Netherlands are 43.5 million US dollars, which ranks the ninth place in annual sales of cut flowers in the Netherlands. The annual sales volume of Japan's Liuchuhua reached US$43 million, with an annual output of 9.7 million sticks, ranking the 14th among Japanese cut flowers. In the United Kingdom and Colombia have also begun to industrial production of six flowers. Since 1995, the development of potted plants has grown rapidly and has become a new hot spot in the international flower market.

Liuliuhua is still in the introduction stage in China, but it is still rare in the cut flower market. Only a few companies conduct small-scale trials. The potted six flowers are only exhibited at the exhibition, and the cut flowers are used. For this reason, six potted plants are still a blank in China and have a good future for development.

Morphological characteristics and varieties Six flowers are perennial herbs. Root hypertrophy, fleshy, blocky stems, clustered, supine. Stems erect, unbranched. Most leaves, alternate, lanceolate, arranged in a spiral. Umbrella, small and multi-flowered, trumpet-shaped, orange-yellow flowers, with inner red-brown stripes. Common species are golden aurea (Aurea), flowers golden yellow; pure yellow Liu flowers (Lutea), yellow flowers; orange Dover (Dover Orange), dark orange flowers. The new species of potted flowers is the Inca Collection. The plant height is 15 to 40 centimeters. The flowers are light orange with reddish-brown streaks and are resistant to cold. The flowering period is from June to October. Little Elanor, yellow flowers. Davos, butterfly, white, pale pink. Luna, flower yellow, with purple green patches and maroon stripes. Toluca, a red rose flower with white patches, with maroon stripes. Yellow Dream (Yellow Dream), yellow flowers, red-brown striped spots.

The ornamental species of the same genus is A. chilensis, which is light pink in color. A.haemantha, deep red flowers. Pink flowers (A.ligru), flowers pink or pink. A.pelegrina, yellow, with purple or mauve spots. Beautiful six flowers (A.pulchella), dark red flowers. Multicolor flowers (A.versicolor), yellow flowers.

【Biological characteristics】 Six flowers are native to Chile, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico of Central America in South America. Hi warm and moist and sunny environment. Summer needs cool, afraid of hot, half shade, not cold.

The optimal growth temperature for the six flowers is 15 to 25°C, and the optimum flower bud differentiation temperature is 20 to 22°C. If the temperature is maintained at 20°C for a long time, flower buds will be continuously formed and can be bloomed for an anniversary. If the temperature exceeds 25°C, nutrient growth will be strong without flower bud differentiation. Cold-tolerant species can tolerate -10°C low temperature in winter and flower at 9°C or lower.

Six flowers need sufficient water during the growth period, but high temperature and high humidity are not conducive to the growth of stems and leaves, and they are prone to burning leaves and elbows. After flowering, the upper part of the land withered into a dormant state and should stop watering and keep dry. After the sprouting of the tubers, the water supply is resumed, but the humidity in the basin should not be too high.

Six flowers are long-day plants. During the growing season, the best sunlight is between 60% and 70%. Avoid direct sunlight on the sun and shading. If the sun shines in the autumn due to a short period of time and the flowering is affected, the daily lighting time is 13 to 14 hours, which increases the flowering rate.

The soil is loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam, with a pH of about 6.5. Potted soil with rot leaf or peat soil, culture soil and coarse sand mixed soil.

[propagation methods] commonly used sowing, ramets and tissue culture.

Sowing and breeding; with spring and autumn sowing, the seeds are 50 to 60 grains per gram, and the germination temperature is 16 to 18°C. After germination 14 to 28 days after sowing, the germination rate is 80% to 85%. When the seedlings grow to 4 to 5 cm high when transplanted. Six flowers are generally sowed in autumn, and bloom in the summer of the next year.

Breeding: It is often carried out in the autumn. When the adult plant is spent, the shoots and leaves of the shoots are withered. When they enter dormancy, the underground tubers are carefully excavated to minimize the damage to the tubers. The tubers are cut after cutting, and each tuber needs to be preserved. ~ 3 buds. It can bloom in summer and autumn.

Tissue culture propagation: Commonly used end buds were used as explants. After routine disinfection and sterilization, they were inoculated on MS medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminoadenine 5 mg/l and naphthaleneacetic acid 1 mg/l for 2 months. Adventitious shoots were cultured and transferred to 1/2 MS medium supplemented with 1 ml of naphthaleneacetic acid to form tubers from adventitious shoots.

[Cultivation and Management] The six flower pots are commonly used in 12 to 15 cm pots. In mid-October, the potted plants were planted at a depth of 3 to 5 cm, and they were irrigated after planting. After 30 days, leaf buds grew. At this time, the temperature does not exceed 25°C during the day and the temperature is preferably 7 to 10°C in the evening. If more than 12 °C, easy to make the stem weak. During the growing season, Huiyou 28-14-14 high nitrogen fertilizer was applied once every half month. After winter, new shoots grow rapidly, stems and leaves densely, affecting the growth of flower buds at the base. Leaves need to be sparse, small leaf buds are removed, stout flower buds are retained, and the purpose of planting short and flowering is achieved.

[Pest and pest control] often have root rot hazards and can be sprayed with 65% dexamethasone WP 600 times. Insect pests are affected by locusts and sprayed with 40% Dimethoate 2000.

[Post-natal treatment] Six flowers are beautifully colored and resemble butterflies. They are excellent potted plants and cut flowers. Use it to embellish the windowsill or the guest room, which is novel and full of contemporary flavor. For commercial buildings, hotels, airports, windows, lobby, reception hall placed, so refreshing, it is extraordinarily elegant and beautiful. During storage and transportation, it is very sensitive to ethylene. Before storage and transportation, it is sprayed with 0.3-0.5 mmol/l silver thiosulphate to reduce yellowing and falling of leaves.

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