Artificial cultivation of fritillary

Fritillaria is a full-year herbaceous plant of the family Liliaceae. It has the distinctions of Zhebei, Xiangbei and Chuanbei. Its bulbs are used as medicine and are commonly used as important Chinese herbal medicines. They are in short supply in China and are exported to foreign countries. At present, there are plantings throughout the country. 1. Growth habits Fritillaria are adaptable, cold-tolerant, and thriving in a cool, moist environment, but require stricter soil requirements. Deep, loose, humus-rich sandy loam and drained land are suitable for growing. 2. Cultivation techniques Fritillaria are mainly propagated with bulbs. During planting, fresh stems are torn and divided by size. Take a bulb with a diameter of 4-5 cm and no pests. According to the spacing of 8-10 cm, 3-5 cm of planting distance, do not invert the bulb when planting, and cover soil not too thick. After 20 days, new roots were produced under the scales, and new shoots emerged between Osamu and Daehan. The seedlings emerged in February the following year and they grew into plants. Around the end of December, winter fertilizer is applied, and the winter fertilizer is applied again. Each manure uses 1,000 kg of manure, 75-100 kg of cake fertilizer and 500 kg of humic fertilizer. Cake manure and human urine furrows are applied. After the manure spreader is applied, it is covered with a layer of soil. After the emergence of the following year in February, early application of seedling Miaofei, can be applied to 1000-2000 kilograms of human fecal urine per acre, then depending on the seedlings and then Miaofei once again. When flowering, the flower buds on the upper part of the plant are destroyed to promote lush branches. Flower buds dried to sell. During the growth period, attention should be paid to drainage and drainage, and timely weeding and weeding. Keeping the field in the summer should pay attention to protection, so that bulbs safe summer. The gutters are well drained and do not accumulate water, making the soil cool, and can be interplanted with other crops. 3. Diseases and pests control Fritillaria often occur diseases such as scale rot, gray mold, dry rot, soft rot and so on. In the hot and rainy July-August, Botrytis cinerea is harmful to leaves, stems, flowers and fruits. The lesions are oblong or nearly diamond-shaped. They gradually enlarge and then form into a piece. The plants are brown. Prevention measures: deep plowing, practice rotation, pay attention to the removal of dead leaves, good field health, reduce the bacteria residue. Can also use 1: 100 Bordeaux liquid spraying several times before or at the beginning of the disease prevention and treatment. Dry rot and soft rot can be soaked with 200-300 times thiophanate or carbendazim for half an hour before planting. The diseased bulbs will be treated in a concentrated manner and seeded separately to reduce the spread. Earthworms damage underground bulbs and can be used to prevent and control trichlorfon powder. Ground tigers were killed and killed with zinc phosphatized corn. 4. The harvesting process was harvested when the above-ground part of the mother-of-pearl withered. Remove dirt, roots, and dried in medicine. Small can be reserved for use. China Agricultural Network Editor