Grape pre-harvest management and fruit preservation

First, pre-harvest management
1. Trim the ears. First go to the soft tip and cut off the low sweetness, acidity, succulent, soft, and easily dehydrated fruit in the lower 1/4-1/3 section of the ear. Secondly, prubbles are used to dredge off grains and granules that are difficult to mature, have poor quality, and have low sugar content. At the same time, the grains and diseased grains are eliminated.
2, the use of chemical fertilizers. In order to improve sugar content and storability, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are mainly used in the month before harvest.
3, prevention and treatment of diseases. When the fruit starts to be stained, 800 times solution of tumefait, 600-800 times of carbendazim, or 800-1000 times of seoxe is sprayed every 10-15 days.
4, strictly control the water. In order to improve the quality and storability, stop watering within 15 days before mining, and remove the rainwater in time.
5, spraying hormones. In order to prevent the falling of grains and the stem drying during storage, it is possible to spray 2000-40000.000001 for 15-30 days before harvesting, spray 60-1000.000001 for Qingsusu 15d before harvesting, or spray 50-50d for 3d before harvesting. 1000.000001 naphthaleneacetic acid plus 110-6 penicillin.
Second, harvest
1, harvest standards. Fully matured, well-colored, well-organized and fruit with thick skin, fruit powder and wax.
2, harvest time. Where climate and production conditions permit, harvesting time should be delayed as much as possible. Select the weather in the morning or in the evening when the weather is fine and the temperature is low. Rainy or foggy days should not be harvested.
3, harvesting methods. When cutting with scissors, the ear is trimmed, and then the inflorescence is laid flat in boxes or baskets lined with 3-4 layers of paper. The container should be shallow and small, so that it can be pre-cooled by placing 5-10 kg of fruit after the spike is full.

Third, preparation before storage
1, suitable storage conditions. In the temperature of -1 °C -0 °C, the relative temperature of 90% -95%, oxygen 2% -4%, carbon dioxide 3% -% 5 conditions, generally can be stored for about 5 months.
2, drug treatment. The fruit is treated with sulfur dioxide to prevent rot caused by fungal infection during storage. The specific methods are as follows:
A bisulfite release method. Sodium hydrosulfite and anhydrous silica gel were weighed at 0.3% and 0.6% of the weight of the grapes, respectively. The two were mixed well and then placed in several small paper bags. The bags were then dispersed for 1.5 months.
2 Sulfur combustion method. The packed grapes are piled into a bowl and covered with a plastic film cover. Each cubic meter of space is fully combusted with 2-3 g of sulphur, fumigated for 20-30 minutes, and then ventilated. Smoked again 15 days after smoking, smoked once every 1-2 months later.
3 Sulfur dioxide gas method. After packing the grapes, they are covered with a plastic film cover and filled with sulfur dioxide gas. The volume of sulfur dioxide accounts for 0.5% of the volume of the cover. Fumigate for 20-30 minutes and then ventilate. After fumigation once every 15 days, the concentration of sulfur dioxide can be reduced to 0.1% -0.2%.
3, warehouse disinfection. Disinfect with 1% formalin, 1.5%-2% sodium hydroxide, or 10% bleaching powder placed overnight.

Fourth, storage methods
1, tank method. Wash the cylinder upside down, so that the inner wall of the water droplets, and then wipe the wall with a clean cloth 70% alcohol, the layer of a layer of grapes after treatment into the cylinder, each layer 15-20cm thick, each layer Afterwards, put a bamboo curtain-shaped bracket to prevent the fruit from cracking and rot. After filling, seal it with a polyethylene plastic film and place it in a cool place. Dig a pit in the shade and place the tank in the pit. Gradually increase the cover as the temperature decreases. This method can store grapes on New Year's Day and Spring Festival.
2, the trench method. Dig north-south trenches, depth 80cm, width 30m, width 1m, length depending on the storage volume and site, in the bottom of the ditch 10cm thick dry sand, and 6% wettability 666 powder mix appropriate amount of wet sand Sprinkle into the ditch, kill insects and prevent rats. The processed grapes are discharged to the bottom of the fine sand on the bottom of the trench. A layer of wet sand and a layer of grapes can be stacked on 3-4 layers, and finally cover 20-30cm thick wet sand. It was covered with mats at the beginning, covered during the day and opened at night. When the temperature dropped to 1 °C - 2 °C during the day, it began to cover the mat at night. Gradually increase the cover as the temperature decreases.
3, shelf storage. The processed grapes are basketed or boxed and placed in a pre-cooling place, where bricks or trees are placed to facilitate ventilation, and the upper cover is shaded until the light snow enters the pit. In the cellar, a 60-70 cm mat is placed on a wooden board, and the fruit box is placed on the mat. Put a piece of wood or straw on the basket or box, put the basket or box on top, and place three layers in turn, in the form of a flower, leaving the sidewalk to lay baskets or boxes on both sides. After entering the pit, use ventilation, watering, sealing and other methods to maintain the temperature and humidity of storage. It is not advisable to turn over and prevent rat damage during storage.
4, bungalow storage. Choose a well-ventilated room and disinfect it. Put the handles of the treated ear upwards into the basket, and place each ear in a staggered manner, preferably 20-25 kg per basket. In the interior shelf, 60-70cm from the ground, after the first layer of fruit basket is put, the basket is placed on the board, and then put the second layer, in order. Keep pedestrians in the middle for ventilation. Indoors keep the humidity as much as 80%-90%, temperature 0°C-1°C, and when the temperature is low, it is necessary to create a fire, and when it is dry, it is possible to splash water on the ground to humidify it.
5, cold storage. The treated grapes were packed in a 4-5 kg ​​bag made of 0.04 mm thick polyethylene film and sealed. Maintain the temperature of the library -1.5°C - 0°C and the relative humidity is about 90%.

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