How does the water pheasant prepare to match the ration of the ration?

The preparation of the breeding period lasted 5 months. Can be divided into three stages: 9 to 10 months for the preparation of pre-planting, 11 to 12 months for the preparation of mid-range breeding, leap year 1 to 2 months for the preparation of late breeding. The task of preparing the breeding period is to adjust the body condition of the species and promote the normal development of the reproductive system of the species.

(1) The metabolic energy for preparing the pre-breeding dietary standards should reach 1172 to 1340 kilojoules, of which animal feeds should account for about 70%. The total diet should be about 400 grams, of which the protein content should not be less than 30 grams.

(2) Preparation for breeding Medium-term breeding is mainly to maintain nutrition, adjust nymphs, prevent over-fat and over-lean body conditions, so a model feeding standard should not be adopted. The proportion of animal feed must reach more than 70%, and the protein content must reach 30 grams or more.

(3) Feeding in the late stage of breeding is mainly to adjust nutrition and balance body condition. Although the quantity of diet does not need to be increased, the quality must be appropriately improved. At this time, the dietary standard should be 921 to 1047 kJ, of which animal feed accounts for about 75%, and it is composed of fish, meat, viscera, and eggs. Cereal feeds can account for 20% to 25% and vegetables can account for 2% to 3% or less. In addition, cod liver oil 1 g (containing vitamin A1500 international unit), yeast 4 to 6 g, malt 10 to 15 g (or 1 ml of cotton seed oil, or vitamin E 5 mg), 2 g of garlic, and 5 g of salt should be supplied. These supplementary feeds can also be replaced with vitamins and trace element additives 0.5 to O.75 grams. The total amount of feed is about 250 grams and the protein content is about 30 grams.

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