How Aquaculture Cope with Cold Weather

The low accumulated temperature often leads to problems such as delaying the feeding of crabs, delayed clam shells, and increased pests and diseases. Jintan City actively guided model households in three forms through television publicity, training guidance, and briefings. One is to eat as soon as possible. Feed high-quality animal crabs with high protein content to enhance the body composition of overwintering crabs, increase the survival rate of the first clams of crab species, and secondly, release crab species. 100-200 sticks of crabs were planted per acre and prepared for rainy weather to prevent the impact of the first time the survival rate of oysters was too low. The third was to prevent pests and diseases. It eliminates one poison and kills one insect in the body of water, and reduces the probability of infecting ciliates and harmful bacteria in long-term mud and hole-drenching crab species in winter and spring.

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