This spring, the price of seedlings in the north is still rising.

In recent years, the market for green seedlings has been very popular. Both in the north and in the south, the price of seedlings has soared. Using the term “bull market” to describe the seedling market is not excessive. This year's nursery stock sales peak has arrived, what will be the price of seedlings? The reporter recently went to the Beijing Huayuan Hair Nursery Flower Exchange Market to conduct an interview. Through understanding, it was found that compared with last year, the price of green seedlings in the north of the spring is still rising.

Huayuanfa is the only seedling market in Beijing. Nearly 200 seedling enterprises in more than a dozen provinces in the north of the country have settled here. The change in the price of seedlings in the market can be regarded as a “barometer” of the northern seedling market.

In the commercial site of Shandong Hongcheng Ginkgo horticulture Co., Ltd., more than 20 ginkgo seedlings are ready for use. According to the person in charge, these ginkgo trees with breast diameters of 12 cm to 13 cm cost 1,300 yuan per plant, compared with the price of only 700 yuan -800 yuan last year. In the Zhonglin Ginkgo horticultural center next to the company, the staff introduced a good ginkgo tree with a diameter of 18 cm in diameter. This year's price has reached 8,000 yuan per plant, and more than 20 cm has reached 10,000 yuan. In the merchant site of the Baixin Ginkgo Garden Center, several workers are digging up several ginkgo trees with a breast diameter of 24 cm to 25 cm. They told reporters that these ginkgo trees sold for more than 30,000 yuan per plant, an increase of about 6,000 yuan over last year. The company puts on the side of the roadside a 6-centimeter foothill of 220 yuan per tree, while the same specification of the mountain-shank last year was 180 yuan and 120 yuan the previous year.

A worker from a merchant in Nanjing is managing the cedar that has just arrived. She said that the 3-meter-high cedar is now selling for 500 yuan per plant, and selling 5 yuan to 6 meters per plant for 2,000 yuan. Compared with last year, the price of cedar has doubled in Nanjing, and it is even higher in Beijing. Similar to the situation is a white pine sold by a merchant in Shaanxi Province. The price of a 4-meter-high white pine tree reached 4,500 yuan. The price of seedlings and large seedlings of B. sylvestris has doubled in the production area.

The Huayuan Hair Seedling Flower Trading Market conducts statistical analysis on the sales and seedling prices of merchants every year. According to general manager Li Yongli, most of the green seedlings commonly used in the past few years have been out of stock and difficult to organize. The price of seedlings has risen in different ranges each year, and the phenomenon of high prices and high prices this year has become more prominent. In order to save the saplings early, many merchants began to advance before the land was completely frozen.

Li Yongli said that arborous species such as banyan trees with a diameter of more than 10 cm, Wujiao maple and Qiantoujing have been difficult to organize into large quantities, and supply sources of 15mm or more of Fatong, white wax, and Chinese wolfberry are also very tense. Compared with last year, it rose by more than 30%. The price of most other seedlings such as Xifeng Begonia, Sakura, Peach, Lagerstroemia, and Prunus triloba was also higher than last year.

Why is the price of seedlings soaring this year? In addition to the increasing number of greening seedlings around the country, powerful nurseries and construction units hoarding large and medium size seedlings and other factors, the increase in cost is a very important price increase factor. In this regard, Huayuan Development’s seedlings and flowers trading market was interviewed. The merchants feel the deepest.

The person in charge of Yucheng Hongda Ginkgo Horticulture Co., Ltd. said that last year their labor cost was 70 yuan per person per day, and this year it reached 100 yuan, and it is still not easy to find workers; freight costs 5,000 yuan per vehicle, now 6,000 yuan, which does not include Other expenses on the way of Yunmiao. The staff of the Baixin Ginkgo Garden Center said that labor costs, freight rates, and land costs are all increasing, and seedling prices have only to rise.

Synchronized with the increase in the price of seedlings is the improvement of seedling quality. According to Li Yongli's observation of the seedlings distributed by various merchants in the market in recent years, the quality of seedlings this year is obviously better than that of previous years, and good tree seedlings are very popular.

In the coming years, the demand for seedlings will also increase substantially across the country, and the rise in seedling prices may continue.

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