What are the characteristics and feeding methods of bad residue feeds?

Bad residue feed is a by-product of food and fermentation industry. It mainly includes beer slag, alcohol residue, starch residue, bean dregs, fruit residue, monosodium glutinous residue, sugar residue, white wine slag, sauce vinegar residue, etc. It is characterized by high water content (70 % to 90%), crude protein, crude fat, and crude fiber content vary. The slag-like fresh products or dehydrated and dried products can be used as feed for beef cattle. 1 Beer residue: It can be used with other feeds when used. Adult beef cattle can feed 5 to 10 kilograms of fresh beer slag every day, and dry beer slag can account for less than 15% of the diet. 2 corn alcohol bad: can partially replace the corn, soybean meal and calcium dihydrogen phosphate in the feed, generally accounting for 15% to 30% of the dry matter in the beef cattle diet. 3 Beet slag: It is recommended to use no more than 20% of dry matter in the diet. Dry beet pulp should be soaked in water before being fed to cattle so that the water content can reach 85% or more. Unsweetened dry sugar beet residue is fed directly to the cattle, but the amount should not be too much in order to avoid swelling problems. After beet residue silage, it can increase its palatability. 4 corn starch residue: can be fed with fine material, green feed, and rough feed. The daily amount of 10 to 15 kg. 5 bean curd residue and powder dregs: daily feed 2.5 to 5 kg, excessive diarrhea. 6 Soy sauce slag and vinegar bad: Adding 7% soy sauce slag to silage grass can not only increase the dry matter content, but also improve the fermentation effect; vinegar grains are rich in iron, zinc, selenium, manganese and so on. 7 Residue of grape slag in fruit residue: It can replace 20% to 25% of compound feed in cattle diet. 8 Sugar cane molasses: can be made into powder or lump molasses feed, easy to transport and storage. The amount of molasses fed per cow per day is 1.5 to 2 kg.

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