The occurrence and control of cucumber gray mold

First, the hazard characteristics: cucumber gray mold mainly harm flowers, leaves, stems and fruits. Leaf disease, lesions at the beginning of flooding, pale grayish brown after the middle sometimes gray mold layer, large lesions, diameter of 20 ~ 25 mm, the edge is obvious, and sometimes ring veins. The onset of stems caused a few knots of decay, and the vines were broken and died. Most of the flowers began to invade. The flowers and young peduncles appeared water stained, faded, and the diseased area was gradually soft and rotten. The surface was dense with brown-brown moldy material. After the petals withered off, the growth of the melon disease was stagnant, the melon tip rot, and the melon rot.
Second, the law of occurrence: For the fungal disease, infected by the fungus Bacteria subphylum Botrytis genus. The pathogenic bacteria overwinter in the soil with mycelia, conidia or sclerotia with the diseased plant residue. Germs are spread by wind and rain, air flow, irrigation, and agricultural operations. The lack of light, the relative humidity of air is above 94%, and the low temperature around 20 degrees is the optimum condition for the occurrence of gray mold. In addition, it is prone to occur when the plants grow weakly, the disease resistance is poor, the spring rain is excessive, the watering is excessive, the plants are too dense, and the ventilation is poor.
Third, control methods: 1, cultivation management. Clean the plastic film in the protected area in time, increase the illumination, strengthen ventilation, proper watering, and the humidity should not be too high, so as to increase the temperature in the protected area. During the high temperature season, the shelter can be drenched or deep-watered, and the floating debris can be removed and burned. 2, pharmaceutical control. At the beginning of the disease, chlorothalonil aerosols can be used every 667 to 0.25 kilograms every 6 days for smoke prevention and disease prevention. Or 50% carbendazim 500 times, or 50% thiophanate 400 times or 50% mancozeb 500 times and so on, once every 5-6 days, even sprayed 2-3 times.

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