How to eliminate non-laying hens

Eliminating non-laying hens is critical to improving chicken efficiency. Generally, a chicken must be eliminated by about 15%. When picking a chicken, it must be spotted and cannot be picked. Choosing what time of day to pick chickens is also very particular. Let's talk about my little experience for reference.

1. When feeding chickens in the morning, feed them from the front and observe the chickens afterwards. Find that some chickens do not take the initiative when they eat. After they lie or lie in their cages, their eyes should be flattened.

2. From 6 to 11am in the morning, when the chicken was laying eggs, it was found that the chicken body was not standing upright. Take out the chicken and see if there was any eggs. If yes, squeeze out the eggs and feed two anti-inflammatory drugs. 3 Bad hours should be eliminated.

3. Chicken crown special red, like blood or purple dry volume should be eliminated.

4. Feather erected, with a flat belly of serious illness should be eliminated.

5. The chicken with the chicken hair should be eliminated if it is not raised.

6. Look around and look at the thief. The chicken with yellow claws should be eliminated.

7. The chicken's head is stretched upwards and the mouth's panting should be eliminated.

8. After 40 days of laying, the chicken is very small and not enough of the two fingers should be eliminated.

9. Chickens that weird should be eliminated.

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