Ryegrass cultivation techniques

1. Site selection and site preparation

1.1 Selection

The perennial ryegrass has relatively strict soil requirements, and it is amenable to fertilization. It is best suited for cultivation in fertile, moist, moist clay or clay loam soils. Therefore, the plots of perennial ryegrass should be sown with well-drained, neutral, fertile, moist clay or loam.

1.2 Soil preparation

Planting perennial ryegrass does not require deep ploughing, but it requires the seed bed to be flat and fine and with sufficient water and fertilizer. Before sowing, intensive cultivation should be conducted to maintain the soil moisture content. In combination with ploughing, sufficient basal fertilization should be applied. The main fertilizer is mandarin fertilizer. Mushi 2000-3000 kg.

2, sowing technology

2.1 sowing time

Spring and autumn can be planted and planted in early autumn. The autumn broadcast is appropriate from September to October, but it can also be postponed until November. The spring broadcast must not be later than mid-March.

2.2 sowing method

Drill or broadcast. The row spacing is suitable for 30 centimeters; it can be mixed with short-year leguminous grasses such as red clover and white clover to increase the grassland quality and make use of grazing or grassing.

2.3 Sowing amount

1 to 1.5 kg per mu is appropriate.

2.4 sowing

Drilling by row spacing 30 cm, sowing amplitude of 5-10 cm specifications, seeding amount of 1 kg per acre, after sowing with a fine soil to cover the seed, covering the depth of about 1.5-2 cm, and then watering, with soil moisture is appropriate, easy Seeds germinate and keep seedlings growing. Artificial grassland should be sowed. The seeding rate can be increased to 1.5 kilograms, sowing depth 1.5-2 cm. It is suitable to be mixed with white clover and red clover to build a quality artificial grazing pasture or mowing field.

3, field management

The perennial ryegrass grows faster than other perennial forages, is sensitive to water and fertilizer, and requires sufficient water and fertilizer to ensure high yields of grass. After seedling emergence, a certain amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to promote the tillering when the seedlings are about to start their tillering. Early grazing or mowing is beneficial and harmless in promoting tillering and controlling weeds, but grazing should not be overly heavy. Application of young animals should be carried out lightly. The time for initial grazing should be better when the seedlings cannot be picked up by hand. 1/2 or 1/3 of the height can be. N fertilization should be applied after grazing or mowing. In the autumn, a certain amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied as fertilizer to maintain regeneration. In addition, perennial ryegrass can also develop scab and rust in high-temperature and high-humidity conditions, and it can be controlled by pesticides such as lime sulfur, zein zinc, and rust rust.

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