How to prevent winter cabbage twitches

Late sowing cabbage cultivation in winter is generally in September to raise seedlings, November cotton, rice, orchards, sweet potatoes and other late-early land cultivation. Harvested in mid-April. General mu income 3000 yuan. The income is good, welcomed by the majority of growers. From sowing to harvesting, after a long period of low temperature, early twitching can easily occur. After convulsions, the value of food is lost, affecting production. Why does early winter kale appear early convulsions?

It is mainly because the leaves of cabbage seedlings grow to a certain number and stem diameter is 0.6-1.6 cm or more. After a certain period of low temperature (0°C-15°C), flower buds are formed in the vernalization stage and convulsions in the following spring.

Early convulsions are a major problem in the production of winter cabbage. Although a large number of experimental studies have been conducted at home and abroad, the complexity of convulsions has not yet been completely solved. At present, the main technical measure to prevent unripe wintering of the overwintering cabbage is to control the size of the overwintering plant, so that it does not feel enough cold to bud.

1 Strictly control the sowing period and the planting period. The sowing date should be controlled in late September. It should not be too early, otherwise the rate of convulsions is high. Because of the large area of ​​nutrition in the field, the seedlings grow faster, and the overwintering plants are relatively large, so it is prone to premature bolting. The later the sowing, the smaller the wintering plants and the later they develop, the lower the bolting rate. However, if late sowing is also not conducive to the safe winter of cabbage.

2 Use winter strong, not easy to mature varieties. Such as winter and spring on the 2nd, every spring and other winter cabbage cultivation is not easy to twitch. Winter and Spring 2 is generally reared at the end of September and transplanted in field at the beginning of November. This breed has a stronger winter nature. Resistance to temperatures below -16 degrees Celsius does not cause premature bolting. Even weak varieties of winter even late sowing, seedlings overwintering, it is difficult to avoid early convulsions. Therefore, to avoid early twitching of winter cabbage, we must first solve the problem of cabbage varieties. A good breed is a guarantee of good harvest. In short, the overwintering cabbage varieties are relatively slow to update, and the brands with high reputation and long promotion time must be selected when purchasing the species.

3 Control the fertilization at the seedling stage. If overwintering cabbage is over-fertilized during the seedling stage and over-sized when overwintering, it is easy to feel the effect of low temperature, and through development, unripe twitching occurs. Therefore, the control of fertilizer and water after planting, do not make winter seedlings grow too prosperous, can reduce the rate of early convulsions or to avoid premature convulsions.

It is important to control unripe convulsions in overwintering cabbage cultivation techniques, but high-yield must also pay attention to other technical measures. For example, overwinter cabbage has strict requirements for top-dressing, and grasping the period of top-dressing is the key to preventing early convulsions. Temperature increases in spring, plant growth is accelerated, topdressing promotes growth, so that the growth process exceeds the development process. Even if the development of plants, due to the relationship between topdressing, nutrition can grow more than reproductive growth, to avoid early convulsions, to achieve the purpose of the ball. In the spring drought, irrigation should also be strengthened.

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