High-yield cultivation of reasonable fertilization

Sorghum has wide adaptability to the soil and strong fertility. It is easier to obtain high yield in sandy loam with rich organic matter and high fertility. In the thin and dry areas, phosphorus deficiency and low potassium must be added in order to obtain a good harvest. . The sorghum seedlings have small plants and require less fertilizer, but they are more stringent. From the jointing to the flowering stage, the plants grow vigorously, and the distribution center of nutrients from the jointing stage also turns from stems and leaves to young ears, and finally they are stored in the ear to form grains. Therefore, ensuring sufficient nutrient supply at this time is the basis for high yields. From flowering to maturity, the nutrient supply of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium directly affects the grain filling and maturation of sorghum. Appropriate amounts of nitrogen supply can speed up grain filling and increase the protein content in grains, but too late can cause delayed maturation and reduce yield. quality. General requirements Mushi organic fertilizer 2,000 to 3,000 kilograms, superphosphate 15 to 25 kilograms, potassium fertilizer 10 to 20 kilograms as base fertilizer, base fertilizer application and application of two methods, spread more combined before sowing the field , Spread base fat. The rules were applied before and after sowing. In addition sowing Mushi Shishu diluted manure water 1000 kg or a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer for seed fertilizer, favorable seedlings strong seedlings. Top dressing is mainly quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer, mainly applying joint fertilizer and panicle fertilizer. The best top-dressing period of sorghum is the jointing stage and the big bell-mouth stage, which promotes spike differentiation and reduces the degradation of florets, achieving large grains and large grains. When topdressing urea more than 15 kg per acre should be applied in phases. It is better to top-height and top-dressing after top-dressing, and to reapply joint-fertilizer (joining stage) and lightly apply the booting fertilizer (booting stage). Generally, when two-thirds of the leaves are fully grown, 5 to 8 kg of potash fertilizer is applied per mu, and ammonium bicarbonate 40 is used. kg. When the ditch is applied, the hole is applied or spread. When spreading, it must be accompanied by deep cultivating or watering so that the fertilizer effect can be exerted. In the later stage of fertility, it is appropriate to topically apply fertilizer, spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate (0.1% concentration) or urea (2% concentration) at the beginning of heading and grain filling to promote early maturity and increase yield. In the production of sorghum must pay attention to balanced fertilization, especially with the combination of nitrogen and phosphorus, can avoid imbalance in nutrient supply, can significantly improve fertilizer efficiency. On the low-yield plots, the soil is originally deficient in nitrogen and phosphorus, and the single application of a fertilizer is often due to imbalance in the ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus, can not play a good role, resulting in waste of fertilizer, the effect of increasing production is not. According to the experimental study, nitrogen and phosphorus combined application as seed fertilizer can promote fertility, rapid growth at seedling stage, increased leaves, strong growth potential, enhanced plant metabolism, can increase plant absorption capacity, significantly improve fertilizer efficiency, increase ear weight, increase production rate , you can multiply production. Therefore, reasonable matching on low-yield soil, balanced fertilization is an effective measure of economic fertilization.

1000Hz High Frequency LiDAR System

JRT High Frequency Range LiDAR Sensor is 2021 new product, that's a low-cost tof sensor but High frequency (up to 1000Hz). With 5cm high accuracy, the LiDAR Module can measure 80m.

Why the 1000Hz High Frequency LiDAR System:
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* Small size: 43*35*21mm, can be easily integrated
* Invisible laser design: the laser type is 905nm,Class I
* High Frequency: 1000hz/1khz
* Low power design

1000Hz High Frequency LiDAR System

Chengdu JRT Main Ranging Modules: Industrial Laser Distance Sensor, Laser Distance Meter Module, Tof LiDAR Sensor.

Chengdu JRT Meter Technology Co., Ltd , https://www.cdlaserdistancemeter.com