Common poplar tree leaf pest control points

First, Yang Xiao Zhou Mo. Also known as the brown sun moth, small moth. Damaged by larvae, feeding the leaves of poplars can cause the leaves of trees to be eaten when severe, and look like a fire from a distance. The body color of larvae changed greatly, with less hairs, grayish brown or gray-green, with a yellow longitudinal band on each side of the body and a large, grayish sarcoma on the back of the abdomen 1 and 8 sections. From July to September, the larvae are seriously hazardous. Control methods: (1) Manual removal of egg masses, galls and clustered young larvae feeding on leaves. (2) Using a Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) emulsion spray poisoned larvae at a concentration of 1:10. (3) Use 80% Dichlorvos Emulsion 1000-1500 times, kill 20% of the emulsion with 10% broad-spectrum emulsion, kill the larvae. (4) Destroy overwintering during winter plowing.

Second, Yang Fan moth. Also known as the poplar moth, the larvae feed the leaves of poplars and often eat the leaves, affecting the growth of the trees. The larvae are black-brown in color, gray or gray-green, with eight orange-red tumors arranged in a circular pattern on each section of the abdomen, and one red-and-red sarcoma in sections 4-11. From July to September, the larvae are seriously hazardous. Control methods: (1) When the 1-2 instar larvae feed on the larvae, remove the worms in time. (2) Kill the larvae by spraying a suspension of Beauveria bassiana and Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) containing 100 million spores per ml. (3) Kill the larvae by spraying 20% ​​liquid of 80% dichlorvos emulsion and 20% liquid emulsion of 10% dichlorvos. (4) Protect natural enemies and exert their inhibitory effects on pests.

Third, the yang yellow leafhopper. The larvae curl into leaves and endanger the leaves of poplars; they spit out white mucus, and the young leaves are dumplings. The larvae are very lively, and they flounce after being frightened. The leaves of poplar trees with high density are vulnerable to damage. The larvae are yellow-green and about 20 mm in length. There are vertical black lines on both sides of the chest, and each side of the body has a light yellow longitudinal belt along the valve. The larvae are seriously endangered from May to August. The adults spawned on the leaves. After the larvae hatched, the silkworms fed the leaves and hi damaged the young leaves on the shoots. Control methods: (1) Use black light to trap adult insects. (2) Artificially remove insects. (3) The larvae have a harmful period, and 90% trichlorfon 1000 times and 10% broad-spectrum enemies 2500 times are sprayed in time, and all have a good poisoning effect.

Fourth, yellow thorn moth. Also known as the spicy potato, larvae endanger the leaves of poplar trees and often eat the leaves as holes or nicks, which greatly affect the growth of trees. The larvae have branches and poisonous hairs that touch the body and cause swelling and pain. The larvae are yellow-green with dark brown heads, a purple-brown spot on the back of the body, and dumbbells. The larvae are seriously endangered from June to September. Control methods: (1) Lights are trapped and killed during adult emergence. (2) Incubation of newly hatched larvae, as well as the larvae of the early instar larvae, often become yellow and membranous, and will be removed. (3) The larvae spray 90% trichlorfon 800 times or 80% dichlorvos 1000 times to kill the larvae. (4) In the autumn and winter, knocking, digging and other methods can be used to eliminate overwintering.

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