"Eating eggs" is harmful to health

Some people think that eating raw eggs can get the best nutrition. In fact, eating raw chickens is bad and harmful to human health.

1. Raw eggs contain anti-enzyme and anti-bioproteins. The former impedes the contact between human proteases and proteins in the stomach and affects the digestion and absorption of proteins. The latter can combine with biotin in food to form substances that the body cannot absorb. However, the above two kinds of harmful substances present in raw eggs are destroyed once cooked, and no longer affect the body's absorption of nutrients.

2. The protein structure of raw eggs is compact, and the digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract are difficult to contact, so they are not easily digested and absorbed. The structure of cooked egg protein becomes soft and easily digested and absorbed by the body.

3. About 10% of fresh eggs carry pathogenic bacteria, mold or parasite eggs. Some parents use boiling water to scramble eggs and add sugar to children, because eggs and parasite eggs in the eggs can not be completely killed, easily lead to diarrhea and parasitic diseases. Salmonella, if found in eggs, can also cause food poisoning. It has recently been discovered that egg shells may contain 0-157 enterohaemorrhagic E. coli bacteria. Even if the amount of bacteria is very small, eating raw eggs can be enough to cause food poisoning. Some folks use the method of eating raw eggs to treat children with constipation. They can neither cure constipation but also transmit toxoplasmosis in zoonotic diseases. The onset of the disease is acute. Almost all organs of the body are affected by Toxoplasma gondii, and severe cases can also lead to death.

Therefore, the eggs must be cooked and eaten to eat steamed eggs is best, it should not use boiling water to flush eggs, but can not eat raw eggs.

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