Planting Joe and Shrub Should Avoid Five Mistakes

In the construction of afforestation and afforestation, the five easy mistakes of planting trees are avoided, so as to increase the survival rate of seedlings, and then improve the effect of landscaping and afforestation.

Mistake 1: The damaged cortex of stems and branches of flowers and trees is excessively damaged or improperly trimmed, causing the bacteria to invade the tree body from the wound, resulting in weak growth of the flowers and trees.

Cause: The tools are not sharp when the seedlings are dug, causing damage to the roots; the cortex of the flowers and trees wears or there are marks of ropes during loading and transport.

Error 2: The planting is too deep or the earth ball is covered with too much soil, causing root suffocation to die.

Reasons: High groundwater level in some areas, soil viscosity, planting too deep, easy to cause water accumulation in the roots; most plant roots clustered in the upper middle of the soil ball, planted too deep or overlying the surface, can easily cause root aeration Bad results in poor drainage and lack of oxygen in the roots, leading to death.

Mistake 3: The soil ball of the tree is not tightly integrated with the planting soil or the support is not standardized. Once the wind is blown, the soil will loosen the roots and cause the tree to die.

Reasons: The flower and tree crowns are too large. They may encounter obstacles when planting and loosen the earth balls. As long as some root systems are not in full contact with the soil, the growth of the flowers and trees may be weakened.

Mistake 4: The density of the cover soil during planting is lower than that of the original soil, resulting in death of water in the roots. It is recommended to use secondary sedimentation to increase soil density.

Reason: Due to the traditional planting of tamping sticks, the soil ball and the soil cannot be completely combined. The soil density in the seedling hole is lower than the surrounding density, and it is easy to produce water. After the ramming stick is planted, some soil granules are still thick, making the root system contact with the soil. In the presence of pores, plant nutrients can easily be lost from the pores; it is more difficult to plant trees and trees in the depressions of the terrain, because the flow of groundwater can easily accumulate in the depressions, causing water to accumulate in the roots.

Mistake 5: The soil is deep soil. After contact with the earth ball and root system, roots cannot cause root death. It is recommended to use as much soil as possible around the mud ball to allow it to adapt to the transplant environment as soon as possible.

Causes: The soil ball is too tight and the viscosity is too large to cause the root system to grow; the flowers and trees have sufficient nutrients in the nursery, not only the root system is injured after transplantation, but also the soil properties and environment and other factors are changed, making it difficult to root.

Collagen is a triple helical protein which can be considered as the bio-glue inside our body; in fact, animal glue can be obtained by boiling the animal skin.  Collagen, a major component of connective tissues, exits in the extracellular space of these tissues which are the key reinforcing and bonding materials for all tissues and organs throughout our body, forming rigid structures as such bone, semi-rigid tissues such as cartilage, or soft tissues such as muscle, tendon, skin, ligaments, and cell membranes, etc.  There are different forms (fibrillar and non- fibrillar) and types of collagens in the body; Type 1 being the major type constitutes over 90% in our body and is the major component in skin, tendon, vascular ligature, organs, bone (main component of the organic part of bone).   Because collagen is an essential building material of all tissues and organs, it has many medical uses, such as in cardiac (hear) applications, cosmetic surgery, bone grafts, tissue regeneration, reconstructive surgical uses, and wound healing care.   


Collagen is created inside fibroblast cells, and this process is needed to support the creation and repair of the body`s connective tissues.  However, the biological process starts to breakdown when we are aging, normally after we reach the age of late 20s or early 30s.  Because collagen from natural sources such as animal, fish scales or plant contain essentially the same amino acid compositions (glycine, proline, alanine, hydroxyproline, glutamic acid, arginine, aspartic acid, serine, lysine, leucine, valine, threonine, phenylalanine, isoleucine, etc.) as human collagen, supplement the body with the natural collagen, either by dermal application or through oral ingestion, can help rejuvenate collagen creation process to support the repairing of aging connective tissues in our body, particularly those in our skin, and to reverse or slow down the aging process for a more youthful appearance.



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