Frequent colds and spicy food

Sour and bitter, salty, and spicy are probably the most common among the five flavors. Chinese medicine categorizes the five flavors separately. It is considered that the pungent flavor is the lungs and the lungs. Therefore, people with cold lungs can properly eat chili, ginger, scallion, pepper, and other foods. They can qi and blood, spread lungs to the cold, and Wetness, diarrhea, diarrhea, and decline. The spicy food has the function of "three links" such as good-natured lung, accessible appearance, and smooth blood circulation. In the cold winter, eating spicy food properly can not only disperse the cold, but also sometimes bring unexpected results.

Spicy foods include pepper, pepper, scallion, garlic, mustard, pepper, ginger, etc. They stimulate people's appetite, promote gastrointestinal motility, enhance secretion of digestive juices, and increase the activity of amylase. At the same time can also speed up blood circulation and metabolism, so there are also scattered cold, clear the meridian function. People who are prone to exogenous cold can eat ginger, scallions, basil, and other foods in an appropriate amount. For those who often suffer stomach pain, abdominal pain, or dysmenorrhea due to cold stagnation and qi stagnation, they can eat peppers, fennel, oysters, villosum, and cinnamon in moderation. And so on, there is gas, cold, pain relief.

Another great use of pepper is that it can "burn" fat, because pepper contains capsaicin, capsaicin can expand the blood vessels, stimulate the body's heat system, speed up the metabolism, so that the body's heat consumption speed up, excess fat at this time It can be "burned" away. Therefore, proper spicy food also has the effect of losing weight.

Just like the other four flavors, spicy foods cannot be favored. There are many benefits to having a moderate amount of spicy food, but the stimulation of spicy food is too large. Excessive consumption can have an adverse effect on the entire digestive system and even cause cancer. In addition, spicy food is only suitable for those who are physically deficient, and people with hot body are not suitable for eating. In addition, patients with stomach ulcers, acne and other gastrointestinal diseases, as well as patients with tuberculosis, erysipelas, shingles, but also must be taboo spicy food.

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