National Day holiday snacks suitable to take with you

In fact, there are insignificant small foods around our lives that can complement our body's various trace elements. The value of these foods is absolutely no less expensive than those on the market. It is worth cherishing and Discover!


1. Peanut can prevent skin diseases

Vitamin B2, which is rich in peanuts, is one of the vitamins that our residents lack in their daily diet. Therefore, deliberately eating more peanuts can not only supplement the deficiency of vitamin B2 in the daily diet, but also help prevent and treat cleft lip, itchy eyes, seborrheic dermatitis and other diseases.

2. Sunflower seeds, beauty

Sunflower seeds contain protein, fat, a variety of vitamins and minerals, including linoleic acid content is particularly rich. Linoleic acid helps keep the skin delicate and prevents dryness and pigmentation.

3. Walnut, can show

Walnut is rich in auxin, which can make nails hard and cracking, while walnuts are rich in vegetable protein, can promote the growth of nails. Eat walnuts and help nails look tough.

4. Jujube, prevention of scurvy

Vitamin C content is very rich in jujube, which nutritionists call "live vitamin C pills." If you lack vitamin C in your diet, you will feel fatigued and may even develop scurvy.

5. Cheese, solid tooth

Cheese is the "rich ore" of calcium and makes teeth strong. Nutritionists have shown through studies that an adult eating 150 grams of cheese a day can help reach the goal of ageing.

6. Fig, promote blood circulation

Figs contain a chemical similar to aspirin. Can dilute the blood, increase blood flow, so that the brain supply adequate blood.

7. pumpkin seeds and pistachios, brain

Pumpkin seeds and pistachios are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, carotene, peroxides, and enzymes. Proper consumption of them can ensure blood flow to the brain, making it radiant and radiant.

8. Toffee, emollient

Toffee, sugar, calcium, proper eating can supplement the brain energy, refreshing and moisturizing the skin.

9. Chocolate, delightful

Chocolate, which makes people feel good and have a beauty effect, can produce the same kind of body reaction material as when they talk about love.

10. Sesame paste, UFA

Sesame paste, Ukrainian hair, Yunfa, nourishing the power, symptomatic eating can prevent white hair, hair loss, hair is bright and beautiful.

11. Raisins, blood

Raisins are good for gas, blood, and joy, but you should pay attention to hygiene.

12. Peppermint, throat

Peppermint candy can moisten the throat, remove bad breath and spread anger. It's refreshing.

13. Yogurt, beneficial digestive tract

It can provide the body with living bacteria, protein, B vitamins and other substances, can inhibit the body's harmful bacteria, lower cholesterol, not only beneficial to digestive tract health, but also to prevent colon cancer. It is best to drink 2 cups of yoghurt every day. It is best to choose fresh, low-fat or non-fat yogurt at the time of purchase.

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