What is good for cold dew

What to eat

1, increase the chicken, duck, pork, fish, shrimp, kelp, cabbage, carrots, eggplant, radish, white fungus, pears, wolfberry, apples, persimmons and other Ziyin Runzao foods to enhance physical fitness.

2, the daily diet can use soft foods, such as sesame, glutinous rice, glutinous rice, honey, dairy products.

3, medicinal herbs can be used red dates, lotus seeds, yams, ginkgo, lily, citrus aurantium, Yuzhu and so on.

4. In terms of diet, generally follow the principle of “equinoxes” and add appropriate warming supplements.

What taboos to eat

1, do not drink cold drinks. Ice cream, ice cream, popsicles and other cold drinks are easy to induce asthma.

2, try to eat less or do not eat foods with high salt content, such as pickles, pickles, dried bamboo shoots, salted meat and other salty foods.

3, eat spicy products, such as pepper, ginger, onion, garlic. Due to eating spicy should hurt the body Yin Jing.

4, should not drink more gas drinks, including soda, beer and so on.

5, ban smoking, drinking. Smoking can cause illness. Drinking alcohol can help fire oysters, which is detrimental to the body.

● Cold detoxification, do not forget detoxification

During the cold season, days are getting colder and colder. In order to increase resistance, many people begin to fortify, and the body will then metabolize more "waste." If these "wastes" cannot be eliminated in time, it will seriously affect the health of the body. Therefore, cold dew needs not only tonic but also detoxification.

Health experts advise us that choosing the right detox food to match fitness exercise is both healthy and healthy. The following three types of food are very good choices.

fungus. The bacteria rich selenium can help us to clean the blood, clear the dirt, regular consumption can play a very good bowel, detoxification, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, anti-vascular hardening and improve the body's immune function, while fungus Food is also a very good anti-cancer food.

Fresh fruit and vegetable juice. Fresh fruit and vegetable juice is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and other nutrients, and has a very important role in removing toxins from the body.

Blood soup. Porcine blood is a very good detoxification food. It is rich in plasma proteins and will be decomposed under the action of various enzymes in the body's stomach acid and digestive juice to produce a substance that has detoxification and intestine action. It can also be used in the stomach. Dust, harmful metal particles and other substances combine with substances that cannot be absorbed by the human body and are discharged to the body through the feces.

● Cold drinking tea during the cold season

Office workers are busy with work, often staying up late, and during the cold season, due to the large changes in the weather, they are prone to symptoms such as dry mouth and tongue, swollen gums, and other “burning” symptoms. Therefore, they often drink herbal tea to reduce the fire.

The reason why Herbal Tea Reduces Fire is that it contains a variety of Chinese herbal medicines in its formulation: honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, mulberry leaves, light bamboo leaves for medicinal and pharmaceutical use, medicinal grasses, egg flowers, and cloth residue leaves. From this we can see that there is a big difference between herbal tea and ordinary tea beverages. It is actually a compound decoction of traditional Chinese medicine in the city, which can be regarded as a "functional beverage."

Drinking some herbal tea in the Summer will have a good effect of defeating heat, nourishing yin and tonifying yang, but in the fall, drinking herbal tea may damage the yang in the body, and the stagnant liquid of the Yin will lead to organ functions such as spleen and stomach. Misalignment weakens the body. This is because, unlike in the summer, Autumn people get angry mainly because of deficiency of both qi and yin, or lack of anger. Drinking herbal tea increases the symptoms of “Qiuzao” and consumes air. In this sense, herbal tea is not always conducive to heat and fire, especially during the cold season, but it must be carefully consumed. Since drinking herbal tea is not a good way to get rid of the fire, how should it be treated in autumn? Health experts recommend that Chinese wolfberry, Ophiopogon, and other Chinese herbal medicines that have nourishing yin and clear heat are ideal for brewing in the fall.

Cold dew should eat the most food

quail eggs

Health benefits

Because of the benefits of blood, Qi, strengthening the brain, and strengthening skin, the quail eggs are hailed as "high quality eggs." Modern medicine has also confirmed that quail eggs have the effect of moisturizing and anti-drying, which is very suitable for eating in the cold season of “dryness”.

Picky standard

The quail eggs should be of a moderate size, and the color and shape of the spotted flowers should be uniform.

Eat with food

Do not spend more than 5 minutes cooking quail eggs.

Good enough

30 to 50 grams/time.


Tremella soup

● [Material] 100 grams of cooked quail eggs, water, hair tremella, mushroom, tomato 50 grams each.

●【Seasoning】The appropriate amount of green onion, salt, ginger, and monosodium glutamate.


1 cooked quail egg shell; water tremella washed, tear small flowers; mushroom to the root, washed, cut; tomatoes washed, cut into pieces.

2 pot add water to boil, add white fungus, mushroom, tomato, quail eggs, cook for 10 minutes, add ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, stir well, can be scattered into the pot of green onion.


Health benefits

Fungus is a very good detoxification food, it contains a strong adsorption of colloidal, which can absorb the impurities in the human digestive system, thus playing a role in lungs and clean up the gastrointestinal.

Picky standard

The fungus should be smashed when picked by hand, natural in color, almost black on the front and almost transparent, with white back and a layer of fluff on it.

Eat with food

Do not eat fresh fungus, or poisoning can occur.

When soaking the fungus, add two scoops of starch to the warm water and rinse it a little to remove the impurities in the folds.

Good enough



Fungus Yam

● 【Material】 150 grams of fungus, 1 yam, 15 medlars.

● [seasoning] salt, chicken, pepper, oyster sauce, garlic, green onion, peppercorns, dry starch, vegetable oil and the appropriate amount.


1 yam peeled, cut hob block; tear a small piece of fungus; scorpion soaked soft chopped.

2 yam plus dry starch and mix well.

3 Heat the vegetable oil in the wok and fry until golden brown.

4 pot to heat the oil, put peppercorns fried fragrant after taking out, put garlic pieces, chopped green onion, put fungus, gardenia, yam, add oyster sauce, pepper, salt, chicken stir fry can be.

Fungus fried pork slices

● 【Material】 150 g water fungus and 200 g pork.

●【Seasoning】The appropriate amount of salt, green onion, ginger, monosodium glutamate, water starch, soy sauce, white sugar, sesame oil and vegetable oil.


Wash the fungus and tear it into small pieces; Wash the pork and slice it.

2 Wok put vegetable oil till Liu Cheng hot, add ginger, chopped green onion, add pork stir fry color, add soy sauce, white sugar, along the side of the pot Drainage amount of cold water, fire boil.

3 into the fungus, salt, monosodium glutamate, stir-fried material tasty, water thicken with starch, Drizzle sesame oil.

Fungus porridge

● [Material] Water made of fungus 20 grams, 100 grams of rice, red dates 5 pieces.

● [seasoning] amount of white sugar.


1 Wash the edible fungus and tear it into small pieces; Wash the red dates and go to the core; Amoy the rice, soak it in cold water for 30 minutes, and remove the drain.

2 Pour the appropriate amount of cold water into the casserole, and add rice, red dates, and fungus. After the fire is boiled, use a small fire until it becomes thick and thick. Add sugar to taste.

Fungus duck soup

● 【Material】 100 grams of quail meat, water, 50 grams of fungus.

● [seasoning] salt, cooking wine, dried starch, egg white, pepper, monosodium glutamate, white granulated sugar, and the appropriate amount.


1 duck quail meat wash, shred; water hair fungus wash, hot and wait for shred.

2 Take a large bowl, add salt, dry starch, cooking wine, pepper, egg white, stir into a pulp, add duck silk sizing, after the slurry is hot, remove and use.

3 pot into the amount of boiling water, add duck silk, fungus wire, boil and cook for 3 minutes, add pepper, monosodium glutamate, sugar, salt, stir well.


Ningbo Staneex Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. , https://www.staneex.com