How to eat in the winter can not get angry?

What to eat in the winter does not get angry?

1, use three meals to eat opportunities to fight fire

Diet to spleen, liver, clear lungs, eat more Hawthorn, grapefruit, pomegranate, apples and other clear and moist fruit; eat less salt; eat hot pot and other spicy foods, plus moisture does not get angry accessories, radish, Tofu, cabbage, etc., to achieve the purpose of nourishing and preventing fire.

2, eat some hot dishes to heat

Winter does not want to "get angry", eat some cool foods "to cure the symptoms and cure the disease." Such as a large salad, which cucumber, tomato, lettuce can be "fire"; mixed with watermelon, melon, pear fruit salad is also a good choice. In addition, when making cold dishes, you may wish to put some sterilized vegetables, such as garlic, onion, leeks, green onions, and garlic, both for seasoning and ensuring hygiene.

3, anti-overheated to eat lighter

In winter, you should eat pears, radishes, alfalfa, alfalfa, and sugarcane. These foods can nourish body fluids, remove the intestines and dryness, especially radish. In winter, people tend to eat more meat, eat meat easily, and easily get angry. When you eat meat with a little radish, or do some dishes with radish as a side dish, not only will not get angry, but also can play a good nutritional nourishing effect. In addition, you should drink more water and eat more fresh vegetables.


What should you eat in winter?

What should you eat in winter? Eat more bitter foods. Bitter foods are bitter because they contain bitter substances such as alkaloids and urea. These bitter substances have the effect of antipyretic heat and fatigue. Eat more damp and cool food. Eat sweet and refreshing fresh fruits and fresh vegetables.

1, the choice of staple food and beans: mung beans, millet, buckwheat, barley, lentils, barley, red beans, tofu and so on.

2, the choice of meat and egg milk: rabbit meat, duck, pheasant, snail, black fish, squid, squid, loach, astragalus, etc. and milk.

3, the choice of vegetables: cucumber, tomato, bamboo shoots, celery, cabbage, Chinese wolfberry, water chestnut, purslane, day lily, bitter gourd, leeks, loofah, eggplant, wax gourd, white radish, lettuce, green bean sprouts, lotus root, lily, fungus Wait.

4, the choice of fruit: watermelon, melon, pear, apple, grape, mango, strawberry, papaya, hawthorn and so on.

5, other: chrysanthemum, Kudingcha and so on.

Eat more "four winters" in winter and don't get angry

1, winter bamboo shoots

Winter bamboo shoots have the characteristics of low fat, low sugar, and multi-fiber, and often eat can promote intestinal peristalsis, eliminate food plots, and reduce the absorption and accumulation of fat in the gastrointestinal tract. Winter bamboo shoots not only can be cooked with meat, poultry, seafood and other dips, but also can be supplemented with edible mushrooms, green leafy vegetarian dishes, and can also be used alone, but because winter bamboo shoots contain more oxalic acid, stones and gout patients should eat less, And before eating, dip it and remove oxalic acid.

2, mushroom

Mushrooms, also known as mushrooms, are commonly eaten by people in winter. Mushrooms have low calories, high levels of protein and vitamins, can provide the body with a variety of vitamins, but also promote the body's absorption of calcium, regular consumption of mushrooms for the strengthening of immunity, prevention of colds also have good results. Regardless of whether it is dried or fresh, shiitake mushrooms can be cooked with other vegetarian foods. It is suitable for all kinds of people, especially for the prevention of high blood pressure, high blood fat and other diseases, containing dietary fiber helps the body excrete excess cholesterol.

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