What does the stomach feel uncomfortable to eat?

What does the stomach feel uncomfortable to eat? Many people have stomach and stomach acid problems. When the stomach is uncomfortable, avoid eating irritating foods and eat more easily digestible and mild foods such as papaya, pineapple, and sweet potato. So, what is good for a specific stomach? Take a look at the following introduction.

What does the stomach feel uncomfortable to eat?

1, papaya

Papaya contains papaya enzymes that help break down and accelerate protein absorption. It can relieve indigestion and gastritis. Papaya is also a good food for stomach and stomach. Papaya is cold and it is not recommended to eat on an empty stomach. Especially those with cold stomach and weak body should not eat more, otherwise it is easy to cause diarrhea. The edible papaya is mostly papaya grown in the south and can be eaten raw or stewed with vegetables and meat.

2, pomegranate

TCM believes that the sweet pomegranate has the effect of thirst and moisturizing, while the pomegranate, which has a sour taste, can treat diseases such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. In addition, pomegranate contains citric acid, vitamin C, citric acid, malic acid and other substances that help digestion and lowering blood lipids, have a certain effect on the conditioning of the stomach. Pomegranate seeds are not easily digested. People with poor stomachs can chews and then vomit.

3, pineapple

Pineapple is sweet and flat, with functions such as stomach digestion, spleen diarrhea, clearing the stomach and quenching thirst. Per 100 grams of pineapple fruit contains up to 30 mg of vitamin C, and is rich in water. Proper consumption is beneficial for patients with nephritis and hypertension. Its pulp, like papaya, contains an enzyme that breaks down proteins, so it can soften the meat and digest blood clots. Every time you eat pineapple, you can't eat too much. Excessive consumption is harmful to your stomach.

4. Cabbage

Cabbage is praised by everyone as a natural “stomach dish”, which has the effect of boosting digestion and thirst, and can also promote the secretion of gastric juice and protect the gastric mucosa. People with bad stomachs, especially those suffering from gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, can drink cabbage juice, drink one cup a day, or add appropriate amount of honey to eat, which is very helpful in promoting ulcer healing.

5, sweet potato

Sweet potato itself has the role of stomach, its rich dietary fiber can digestion and accumulation, but also increase appetite. However, sweet potato can promote gastric acid secretion, so usually excessive stomach acid, often feel acid reflux, heartburn people should not eat. Usually eat sweet potato porridge, steamed sweet potato is a good choice. Suggest that everyone, it is best not to eat baked sweet potatoes on the roadside stalls, because baking sweet potatoes is easy to paste, sanitary conditions are not guaranteed.

6, pumpkin

Many people really like to eat pumpkins, especially the elderly and children like this pumpkin that looks yellow and soft and soft. Xiao Bian's favorite food is pumpkin paste and pumpkin cake. It tastes great. Pumpkin has a good stomach effect, it is rich in carbohydrates, pectin can protect the stomach from irritation, the dietary fiber contained in it is also very soft, so it is easily digested and absorbed by the body.


Stomach discomfort should eat these foods:

1, chocolate

Chocolate contains a large amount of theobromine, which will make the esophageal sphincter relax, and acid reflux easily into the esophagus.

2, mint

Mint will relax the esophageal sphincter and increase the chance of pantothenic acid. Be careful with anything that contains mint, such as mint tea, mints and mint chewing gum.

3, tomato

Tomatoes are very acidic and may stimulate the stomach to produce more stomach acid. Therefore, eating too much tomatoes will cause pantothenic acid, heartburn and other symptoms. The same is true for tomato sauce made with tomato.

4, coffee

Coffee stimulates the stomach, causing it to secrete too much stomach acid, leading to indigestion and pantothenic acid. In particular, people who have stomach ulcers and heartburn symptoms should drink less coffee, and caffeinated beverages should also drink less.

5. Broccoli

Broccoli is particularly rich in soluble dietary fiber. This fiber can only be broken down in the large intestine and produce a lot of gas. At the same time broccoli also contains gas-producing sugars similar to beans.

6, soda and juice

Both drinks contain many fructose. About 30% of adults do not absorb fructose very well, leading to gastrointestinal discomfort.

7, cold drinks

Excessive cold drinking can make the stomach temperature too low, affecting gastric acid secretion and digestive enzymes. Therefore, it is best to drink hot beverages such as tea and hot lemonade. Cold drinks are best served between meals.

8, dairy products

People who are lactose intolerant can cause stomach discomfort after ingesting dairy products. You can choose yogurt, hard cheese, or milk containing low lactose.

9, greasy food

Foods that contain high levels of fat, such as fried foods, increase the risk of developing pantothenic acid and irritable bowel syndrome. Because high-fat foods are difficult to digest, the body will automatically secrete more stomach acid. Similarly, eating too much can stimulate excessive secretion of gastric acid.

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