Can not be eaten with anything

Toon, in the countryside, many families are planting this stuff. Tofu with tofu, it's called a bar, delicious. The citron was called citron bud in our hometown. When I was little, I planted several such trees in my home yard. Every spring, I had enough shoots to eat. I often made pickles and it was delicious.

The citrons are tall tree trees (my family is relatively small, maybe it did not grow up), originating in China. People have been eating citrons for a long time. The Han dynasty spread all over the country. In the ancient agricultural market, the citron was called cricket and the skunk was called cricket.


Here's a brief introduction to the nutritional content of Toona sinensis:

The taro root contains a lot of nutrients. According to analysis, every 100 grams of taro taro contains 9.8 g of protein, 143 mg of calcium, and 115 mg of vitamin C, which ranks among the highest in vegetables. In addition, it also contains 135 mg of phosphorus, 1.36 mg of carotene, and nutrients such as iron and B vitamins.

Citron is a famous seasonal product. It contains volatile aromatic organic compounds such as camphor and can stimulate spleen and appetite and increase appetite. Contains vitamin E and sex hormones, it has anti-aging and yang-enhancing effects, so it has the name of "progesterone". Tincton has the effect of clearing away heat and dampness, diuresis and detoxification, and is a good medicine for adjuvant treatment of enteritis, dysentery and urinary tract infection. The volatile odor of citron can pass through the epidermis of the aphid, so that the worm can not be attached to the intestinal wall and be excreted by the body. It can be used to treat tsutsugamushi disease. Citron is rich in vitamin C, carotene, etc. It helps to enhance the body's immune function and has the effect of lubricating the skin. It is a good food for health care and beauty.

Medicinal value of Toona sinensis

[Tropism of taste] cool, bitter taste flat; into the lungs, stomach, large intestine.

【Efficacy】 Qingrejiedu, Jianwei qi, moisturizing eyesight, insecticide. Indications sore, hair loss, red eyes, Hyperactivity cough and other illnesses.

Who can not eat citron?

1, Yin, hot patients can not be eaten

People with a general yang deficiency are good for eating citrons. However, patients with diabetes, such as those who are yin deficiency and dryness, can easily aggravate anger and have no benefit in the recovery of the disease.

2. Patients with eye complications

Should eat less wolfberry, otherwise it will have an adverse effect on the treatment of eye diseases.

3, people with chronic diseases

Those who suffer from chronic diseases, those with weak physical conditions, those who have recovered from illness, and those who are pregnant do not have to eat.

Toon and what can't be eaten together

1, camphor + cauliflower: Because the citron is rich in calcium, and the chemical composition contained in cauliflower will affect the digestion and absorption of calcium. Therefore, it is not suitable to eat it with cauliflower.

2, citron + cucumber: cucumber contains vitamin C decomposing enzyme, will destroy the vitamin C in the citron, affecting the body's absorption of vitamin C, so that nutrition is greatly reduced, so citron and cucumber should not be the same food.

3, citron + milk: citron and cow can not eat together, the two together after eating, it will cause abdominal distension, severe diarrhea will occur.

Is it allergic to citrons?

Eating citrons may be allergic.

First of all, it is a kind of wild vegetable. The wild vegetables are usually photosensitive. It is prone to UV allergies and skin discomfort. At the same time, some people tend to relapse after eating citron, so there may be cases of allergies.

Toxic allergy symptoms

After eating citron, it will appear redness, itching, wheal, or itchy rash. At the same time, the pruritus of the nut will increase and the skin lesions will increase.

Acute urticaria with anaphylactic shock may also occur if it itself suffers from acute urticaria and other diseases.

What to do if you are eating allergies?

1, allergies to eat savory, if there is a UV allergy, not only see the light after the allergies are more serious, can automatically avoid light, not only closed for about 2 days, usually drink some hot water, promote the metabolism of photosensitive substances, If you really want to go out, you can do sun protection measures, wearing a hat, masks, sun protection shirts and so on.

2. If eating is not a case of UV allergies, you need to go to the hospital immediately to seek help from a doctor to avoid severe physical discomfort.

What people eat citrons are prone to allergies

1. Those who have had a history of UV allergies: Those who have had a history of UV allergies have shown that they are allergic to UV rays, and they will also experience allergies after eating citrons that contain photosensitive substances.

2. People with other allergic diseases: People with other allergic diseases may have relapsed after eating it.

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