Diet for diabetics should avoid high-glucose foods

White rice and white bread are easy to get cancer? For diabetics, these foods are high-glycemic foods that are not only easy to raise sugar but are also prone to cancer. For diabetics, the daily diet should pay attention to high-glucose foods.

High-glycemic index foods are prone to cancer

Hong Kong media said that the latest study in the United States found that eating foods with high Glycemic Index (GI), such as white bread and rice, would increase the risk of lung cancer. The highest glycemic index among those who received the study was 49% higher than the lowest risk of lung cancer. The results showed that patients with the highest daily glycemic index (GI) had a higher risk of cancer. The researchers also found that among the subjects who did not smoke, if their GI was high, their risk of lung cancer was doubled. High-GI smokers also had a 31% higher risk of lung cancer than low-GI smokers.

The study also found that calculating the carbohydrate load (GL) in the body has no effect on cancer risk. Wu Xifeng, a Chinese-American professor who participated in the study, said that this shows that the quality of carbohydrates eaten by people affects the risk of cancer, but the total amount of carbohydrates consumed has no effect. Foods with a high glycemic index include white bread, French bread, corn flakes, ready-to-eat oatmeal, bagel, and rice. The glycemic index of white rice varies depending on the variety of white rice.

Apart from maintaining a healthy lifestyle, not smoking, not drinking alcohol, and exercising more, eating less food or drinks with a high glycemic index also helps reduce the risk of cancer. For example, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, or pasta, etc., are foods with a low glycemic index. (Reference news network)


What is the Glycemic Index

The Glycemic Index (GI) refers to the relative speed at which the food enters the body within two hours of an increase in blood glucose. Although the Glucose Index foods are more likely to increase blood sugar than the low glycemic index, for the special groups such as obesity and diabetes, balanced diet can still achieve the purpose of controlling nutrient intake.

Patients with diabetes must know high, medium and low glycemic index foods

1, high-glycemic index food: GI value> 70

Vegetables: Carrot Pumpkin

Fruits: jujube pineapple, longan, litchi, watermelon

Snacks: Mashed potatoes French fries Puffed rice cakes Popcorn

Staple foods: Flour, oatmeal pancakes, noodles (pure wheat flour), rice, steamed buns (pure wheat flour)

White Rice French Stick Bread

Milk and drinks: condensed milk honey

Sugars and sugar alcohols: White sugar, glucose, maltose

2, in the sugar index food: GI value 46-70

Vegetables: Sweet corn taro

Fruits: Raisins (dried) Dried Bananas Mango Kiwi (kiwi)

Meat: Chicken Duck (Goose) Meat Pork Mutton Beef

Milk and Beverages: Coke Orange Juice Ice Cream

Staple Foods: Egg Noodles Udon Noodles Potato Chips Bread Cereals

Sugar and Sugar Alcohols: Lactose Chocolate Sucrose

3. Low Glycemic Index Food: GI Value <46 (0-45)

Vegetables: Spinach Nori Seaweed Bean Sprouts Cabbage Cabbage Cucumber Lettuce Mushrooms

Celery Rapeseed Eggplant Broccoli Cabbage Leek Cauliflower Green Pepper Enoki Mushroom

Pleurotus ostreatus, green onions, tomato, dried mushrooms, mushroom

Beans: Soybeans, frozen tofu, bean curd, dried beans, mung bean, fresh tofu, lentils

Fruits: Cherry Grapefruit Strawberry Raw Banana Papaya Apple Pear Hami Melon Orange Grape

Meat and eggs: eggs, fish, shrimp, crab

Milk and Beverage: Yogurt Milk Cream Skim Milk Tomato Juice Coffee Apple Juice

Staple Food: Fan Powder, Buckwheat, Black Rice Pasta

Sugars and Sugar Alcohols Xylitol: Glycemic Index Fructose

Dietary proportion of diabetics

The key to preventing diabetes is to reduce and delay these complications of diabetes. Therefore, diabetics should pay attention to the glycemic index when they eat.

Dietary mix is ​​also very important, if the total amount of a meal is compared to 1, the staple food should account for 1/4, protein accounts for 1/4, and vegetables and fruits account for 1/2. This will ensure that the postprandial blood glucose will not be too high, which will help reduce the burden on the islets and also help to lose weight.

The staple food accounts for 1/4. First, the amount of staple food control. In the morning, eat staple food 1 two, two at noon and 2 in the evening. Second, the food is too soft. Third, eat slowly. Fourth, pay attention to the order of eating. Should eat vegetables, soup, and finally eat the staple food. Fifth, cereals, coarse grains, and fine grains are eaten. One-fourth of the protein. Proteins rich in protein include eggs, meat, fish, tofu, and milk. You can eat 1 egg for breakfast. Do not exceed the size of the eggs. If you eat fish, you can make it a little bit bigger. You can eat tofu a little bigger and drink more milk. Compared with vegetable protein, animal protein can be well absorbed and utilized, but it is not suitable to eat more.

Vegetables and fruits account for 1/2. Vegetables must be less oil, it is best to cold or boiled. Raw fruits and vegetables are also best between meals, the best tomatoes, you can also eat some dragon fruit, kiwi, apples, sweeter fruits to eat less.

Diabetics pay attention to matching high GI foods in their daily diet to avoid health problems.

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