How to prevent various diseases and common sense of pepper diseases

1, pepper and cotton aphids often clustered on the young leaves and young shoots on the pepper shoots sucking juice, causing leaf curling, causing flowering and fruit drop, while the excretion of viscous honey dew easily induced bituminous coal disease, affecting the photosynthetic efficiency of the leaves. The hazards began at the end of April to early May, and were low for 8-10 days. The control method is: spraying 10% omethoate 1500 times liquid, 40% water-containing phosphorothiophene 1000 times, 50% carbendazim demulcent 4,000 times liquid, spraying successively 2-3 times in the occurrence period every 10 days. Can control the hazard.
2. Mulberry pulp mainly harms branches and branches can die when severe. Pre-emergence spraying of 50 times engine oil emulsion or 5 Baume degrees lime sulfur agent to prevent overwintering adult females; also spraying 100 times engine oil emulsion plus 40% omethoate 1000 times solution in May-June and July-August. , prevention and treatment of newly hatched nymphs.
3. The larvae mainly drill twig stems and roots with larvae, which occurs in most of the two generations in one generation and is a devastating pest of pepper. Can be used to paint white trunks, artificial capture of adult insects, kill eggs, hook larvae or phosgene poisoning plug insertion hole and other methods for prevention and treatment; also can be used 80% of dichlorvos 500 times injection boring; adult spray spray If 1000-1500 times or 1000 times or dichlorvos 1000 times, the adult will be killed before spawning.
4, fleas mainly damage the leaves, and some larvae are also dedicated to eat the nuts, peduncles and petiole (such as Zanthoxylum bungeanum), are the main pests causing fruit drop, wilting and a large number of production. During the prevention and control period, during the leaf development period of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, the canopy and ground were sprayed with 2000 times liquid of killing Pinus sylvestris or 2,000 times liquid of enemy killing to kill the unearthed adult overwintering; it was also possible to use omethoate in the mid-late larva of May. 1500 times or phosphatidylcholine EC 800-1000 times spray canopy, kill larvae.
5, pepper rust damage leaves. From June to August, spray 0.3-0.4 Baume degree lime sulfur or 15% Triadin 1000-1500 times 2-3 times to control the occurrence and harm of rust.
6, black pepper sickle is also called flow gum disease, which is a kind of disease commonly occurring in the production area of ​​Zanthoxylum. The disease mainly harms the trunk base or trunk. In severe cases it also harms shoots and is the main cause of dead trees.
Control measures:
1 Dahongpao and other susceptible cultivars were planted with 40% diethylaluminophosphate 10 times solution or 70% mancozeb manganese 20 times solution before the colonization of the roots of the susceptible cultivar; the pepper trees that survived the planting were in late March and early June respectively. The disease can be controlled by irrigating the soil once with 40% EB or 70% mancozeb 200-300 times.
(2) Varieties of high-resistance glue, such as August pepper and yam pepper, are used as rootstocks, and high-quality varieties such as Dahongpao grafted with high-level woody buds (about 30 cm from the ground) can effectively prevent the occurrence of the disease.

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