57-year-old woman in Australia under test IVF twins

Release date: 2010-11-11

A 57-year-old woman allegedly from India was born in Perth, Australia, on the 1st to produce a pair of IVF twins, which is believed to be the oldest woman in Australia.
It is said that the woman is from India. She first received IVF therapy in India and then spent her pregnancy in Western Australia, Australia, during which she was accompanied by her husband. However, it is unclear whether they will bring their children up in Australia.
A spokesperson for the King Edward Memorial Hospital, which helped the mother to give birth to twins, said the hospital had the responsibility to protect the patient's privacy. Without their consent, the hospital would not disclose any information.
This record-breaking event will inevitably lead to debates about the maternal age – how old is old and not suitable for having children? According to the latest data from the Western Australian Health Department in Perth, from 1980 to 2009, only six women over the age of 50 were born in the state.
Perth, president of the Australian Medical Association, said that because of the low success rate of in vitro fertilization in women over the age of 44, only a handful of people over the age of 50 receive IVF treatment. "Of course, there are a lot of problems in this," he said. "If you are a doctor, you have to let patients know what it means to have children at that age. Women who are so old are not fertilized by IVF, but We live in a society that respects individual choices."
According to the 2007 report of the Australian Maternal Information Collection Department, the maximum age for maternity in Australia was 56 years. Perth’s fertility expert Bolton said: “The 57-year-old is certainly not the biggest in the world, but it’s old for the old, I think everyone has their own opinions.” He pointed out that because of the lack of Australian egg donations So many Australian women ran to India and South Africa for IVF.
Bolton said that Western Australia has no restrictions on the age of women receiving IVF. Some states have regulations that are under 45 years old. "I think it is a very discriminatory ingredient to strictly regulate age, because some 46-year-old women may be overweight. The health conditions of a 30-year-old woman who smokes are the same."

Source: China Daily website


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