Winter health woman eat what is best for his face

Pigeon meat, lamb, sea cucumbers, mussels

Many women suffer from chronic illness, lack of nutrition, anemia, hypotension, hypothyroidism, irregular menstruation, and many other reasons, resulting in decreased body resistance, weakened cold resistance, poor systemic blood circulation, or blood circulation disorders in peripheral blood vessels. , body chills, cold, limbs are not warm. Medically referred to as "female cold-sensation", especially in the winter, such people can properly increase the diet of pigeons, sea cucumbers, lamb, mussels and other foods.

The pigeon meat is rich in hemoglobin. Its protein content is 9.5% higher than that of pork, its fat content is very low, its nutritional effect is better than that of chicken, and it is easier to digest and absorb than chickens. Therefore, folks have the saying “one pigeon and nine chickens” because of pigeons. The secretion of sex hormones is very strong, so Chinese medicine believes that it also has the use of kidney and impotence, and it also has significant effects on the recovery from brain exhaustion and neurasthenia.

The mutton is hot, warm in the body, and tonic, each can provide 6,427 calories for every 500 grams of mutton, especially suitable for people with winter or yang deficiency. Chinese medicine called “ginseng qi, mutton complement”, fat in mutton The content is only 1/2 that of pork, so there is no need to worry about obesity caused by excessive intake.

There is ginseng in the mountains and sea cucumbers in the sea. Both of them are famous for replenishing the human body. Ginseng emphasizes vitality, and sea cucumbers excel in filling essence and blood. Sea cucumber is one of the "seafood Bazhen", rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, cholesterol content is almost zero, eat sea cucumber can not only stay in beauty, anti-aging, but also enhance the body immunity.

The protein content of mussels is extremely high, its nutritional value even exceeds that of sea cucumbers, and it has the reputation of “sea eggs”. Mussels are rich in essential fatty acids, which can promote the development of the body, maintain skin, and lower cholesterol.

Walnut and sesame

Walnut folk, also known as longevity fruit, has the power to strengthen one’s brain and make the skin beautiful.

Black sesame seeds are rich in cystine and vitamins b and e. They increase sebum secretion, improve skin elasticity, and maintain delicate skin. Japanese scholars have called it the best food for changing rough skin.

Sesame and walnuts are rich in vitamin e and unsaturated fatty acids. They can nourish the brain and skin, delay aging, nourish and strengthen skin, and quickly rejuvenate. If you combine walnut meat and black sesame, it will be a perfect match. Do more with less.

Sea cucumber lamb mussel soup:

Materials: 30 grams of sea cucumbers, 30 grams of mussels, 120 grams of mutton, 2 onions, 5 gingers, 3 red dates, 1/2 cup of wine, and 2 tsp of salt.

Production: lamb washed, sliced ​​with hot water after slicing, washed soaked sea cucumber slices, mussels if dry goods can be soaked with yellow wine for 2 hours. When cooking, add lamb, sea cucumber and mussel into the pot, add seasoning and cook for a few hours until the meat broth is rich and serve.

Kid beans pigeon soup:

Materials: 1 pigeon, 30 grams of concanavalin, 20 grams of yam, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons of wine, and 1 spoon of salt.

Production: Wash the pigeons to the viscera first, then use the boiling water to remove the bloody water, place them into the saucepan, and cook the pigeon meat. Then, dip the beans to the pedicure, slice the yam peeled skin, and cook for 20 minutes. , add seasoning and boil, then serve.

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