Vegetable color and nutrition

Many of the nutrients we need in our bodies come from vegetables. An adult eats 200-500 grams of vegetables a day to meet the body's needs. in life. People often use the price and taste of vegetables as a selection criterion. In fact, this is unscientific. Judging the nutritional value of vegetables is mainly the amount of essential vitamins and iron, salt, and cellulose contained in the vegetables.

Through the analysis of the nutritional components of various vegetables, scientists found that the color of vegetables is closely related to nutrition. Deep color has high nutritional value and light color has low nutritional value. Its order is "green vegetables - yellow red vegetables - colorless vegetables".

Scientists also found that due to the different colors in the same vegetables, the nutritional value is also different. Yellow carrots have higher nutritional value than red carrots. In addition to containing a large amount of carotenoids, yellow carrots also contain a yellow pigment with a strong anti-cancer effect, which has the function of preventing cancer.

Scientists also found that different parts of the same vegetable have different nutritional values ​​due to their different colors. Onion green part of the onion nutrition than the light part of the nutritional value is much higher. Every 100 grams of light green contains vitamin A1750 international units, and light blue is almost free of vitamin A, and the content of vitamin B1 and vitamin C is less than half of the light green part. The greener celery leaves are 6 times more carotene and 4 times more vitamin D than the lighter celery leaves and stems.

Since each vegetable contains different types and quantities of nutrients, and the nutritional needs of the human body are many, so when choosing vegetables, in addition to paying attention to the color depth of the vegetables, we should also consider a variety of vegetables and mix with the meat. eat.

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