What does the lower body eat?

Bloated on the lower plate always make Amy's MM very sad, so how can I say no more with the swelling of the foot? In fact, it is not difficult Oh! conditioning from the diet on it! The following Xiaobian introduce you to 8 kinds of food , By speeding up the metabolism to help you get rid of the bloated oh!


Grapefruit contains not only rich organic acids, plant polysaccharides, vitamin C and minerals, but also volatile linalool.


Organic acids and many vitamins can promote metabolism in the body and help dewetting, and linalool can directly stimulate the brain through the respiratory system to further accelerate the metabolism and lymphatic circulation.


Maybe you only think that bananas have a good bowel effect, but in fact, potassium rich in bananas is also a good agent to promote water circulation.

However, even if there are many benefits, bananas should not be eaten as much, because the rich content of fructose is likely to cause the problem of fat accumulation.


Seaweed is not only delicious, it also contains a variety of body fluid conditioning nutrients, such as the most common vitamin B1 and vitamin B2.

In addition, a large number of amino acids in seaweeds are also metabolically-promoting ingredients that can speed up the functioning of parts of the body, strengthen lymphatic circulation, and prevent moisture accumulation in the lower body.

red beans

The stony acid contained in red beans is a substance similar to caffeine, but unlike caffeine, stony acid does not cause central nervous system stimuli while promoting water metabolism, and does not cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Any burden, so it's very healthy.

In addition, red beans contain a lot of cellulose, which can help the body discharge excess sodium, which helps eliminate edema.


Melon is rich in plant polysaccharides, proteins and calcium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals, can promote the body's metabolism. At the same time, Chinese medicine believes that the melon sweet and slightly cold, diuretic effect of swelling, it can help eliminate swelling, firm body lines.


The high content of multivitamins and minerals in papaya is also a very good metabolism promoting effect that can help accelerate the lymphatic circulation.

At the same time, the enzyme components in papaya can also decompose proteins, inhibit fat accumulation, and keep the outline of the lower body from two sides.


Celery has the health benefits of lowering blood pressure and blood lipids because it contains a lot of calcium carbonate and potassium. Calcium is a very effective metabolic promoter, and potassium can also be directly involved in the transport of water. It is also the coordinated action of the two substances that gives celery a very strong ability to fight edema.


The rich unsaturated fatty acids in sesame can not only inhibit the accumulation of fat, but also purify the blood environment and accelerate the metabolism to a large extent. Moreover, the rich vitamin B substances and calcium in sesame can also promote peripheral circulation, allowing the water accumulated in the body to be discharged through the kidneys as soon as possible.

Natural Nuts

Nut is the essence of the plant part, general nutrition is rich, contain protein, oil, mineral, vitamin is taller, have very good effect to human body growth and development, enhance physique, prevent disease. Preventive effect: nuts are rich in protein, also called long fruit, also called plant meat, it is the most beautiful gift given to human nature, its nutritional value is recognized by the society, it contains zinc, manganese, phosphorus and other human necessary trace elements are very precious to human! Also can regulate the endocrine of the human body, for our brain nerve also has a good regulation function, but also can prevent cancer, cancer. The help to the human is really very big, and economic benefits, is the medicine of human! Experts also found that nut eaters had a lower risk of coronary heart disease. Nuts are good for your body, especially your heart. Nuts are known to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Nuts contain 36.0% protein, 58.8% fat, 72.6% carbohydrate, vitamins (vitamin B, vitamin E, etc.), trace elements (phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron), dietary fiber, etc. In addition, it also contains monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, including linolenic acid, linoleic acid and other essential fatty acids of the human body.

Natural Nuts,Natural Almonds,Natural Cashews,Natural Cashew Nuts

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