How to manage after the orchard suffers

Generally, when the soil moisture is maintained at 60%-80% of the field water capacity, the roots of the fruit trees can normally grow, absorb, operate and transmit, and are too high, which has an adverse effect on the growth of fruit tree roots and even the entire tree. The resistance of fruit trees varies depending on the species and species, and it is also related to the oxygen status of the water. After the fruit trees are flooded, due to the reduction of oxygen, the root system can easily cause death due to lack of oxygen, and endanger large roots, resulting in dead trees. At the same time, the new shoots are curled and scorched, and the leaves lose their greenness, dryness or fall off. The fruit loses water, falls off, and cracks. After fruit trees are affected, the following management should be strengthened:

1. Ditch drainage. When the flood water recedes and there is still water in the low-lying land, trenches and canals should be dug in time to remove the accumulated water so as to reduce the humidity of the soil in the soil and the garden, and accelerate the drying of the topsoil. Immediately remove the sludge after draining to dry the soil. Covered orchards should be promptly removed from the cover. The long grass orchard should be cleared of weeds in time and be 1-2 times tilled.

2. Wash the tree body. For trees that are washed down by the flood, the trees should be straightened as soon as possible. Exposed roots were cut off after being rotted and buried in the soil, and covered with soil to prevent bare roots from being exposed to sunlight and causing tree death. Timely removal of sticky mud and debris on branches, leaves and fruits of trees, and sick leaves and leaves.

3. Plowing loose soil. After the flooded garden soil is compacted, it is likely to cause oxygen deficiency in the root system. After the orchard is slightly dried, the soil should be loosened. If the soil is heavy, remove the mud from the tree tray and then plow the tree or the whole garden. Turning the soil should not be too deep so as to avoid excessive rooting. It is generally appropriate to use 6-10 cm.

4. Top dressing. Roots of fruit trees are damaged after picking, and the ability to absorb fertilizer and water is weak. It is not appropriate to immediately apply fertilizer. It can be combined with pest control to conduct multiple foliar fertilizers. After the tree potential is restored, it will be supplemented with decomposed human and animal waste, cake fertilizer or urea. . Foliar spray fertilizer can use 0.3%-0.4% urea, 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 2%-4% superphosphate, 0.3%-0.5% ammonium phosphate, 1%-6% ash leaching, 0.2% Photosynthetic fertilizer, 0.06% rare earth liquid, etc., sprayed once every 10 days, even spray 2-3 times. Basal fertilizers are applied again in the fall, mainly organic fertilizers, with N, P and K compound fertilizers.

5. Prune trim. The roots of the pods are weak in absorbing the fertilizer and water, and they must be cut off in time to cut off dense branches, broken branches, diseased branches, etc., and topping the growing branches to reduce the water evaporation of leaves and tree nutrient consumption, and promote the mature branches. The trees that suffered from light and normal growth were cut off from the yellow branches of the leaves. As a result, too many fruits could be eliminated. Damaged trees can be properly cut, such as more leaves, can be retracted to perennial branches.

6. Tree protection. After the fruit trees are affected, a large number of litter branches are easily caused, and the trunk main branches are exposed to the hot sun, which is prone to sunburn. Can be painted white.

7. Pest control. Long-term overcast and rainy weather, due to the large humidity of the soil and air, can easily cause the occurrence of diseases of the leaves and roots. Can crown spraying bactericide 80% WP WP 800-1000 times, 50% carbendazim WP 800-1000 times, 70% thiophanate-methyl 700-1000 times, 75% chlorothalonil 500 -800 times liquid protection. To prevent peach and pear brown rot. Anthrax, etc., can be sprayed with 50% thiophanate 500-600 times. At the same time, attention should be paid to the control of locusts, acarids, Peach pears and other pests. Common insecticides include: 5% imidacloprid 2000-3000 times, 20% cypermethrin 2500-3000 times and so on.

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