When eating moon cakes should not be accompanied by cold drinks easy to diarrhea should be hot drinks

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and all kinds of moon cakes are listed. Yesterday, the Third Hospital of Changsha City Department of Gastroenterology Zhou Zhengwen, chief physician reminded that eating moon cake can be eaten with.

One is to eat mooncakes and tea: eating moon cakes and drinking tea will help digestion. Tea promotes the digestive tract to decompose the oil in the moon cake and reduce the "product build up". Green tea and mint can promote glucose metabolism in the human body. Oolong tea is rich in tea polyphenols, and it can also absorb oil and excrete it from the body to avoid excessive calorie intake. While soda, cola, juice, etc. contain a lot of sugar, eating moon cakes does not help health.

The second is the sour fruit with moon cake: When eating moon cake, you can eat fruit with taste sour, rich in vitamin C, such as kiwi, guava, orange, watermelon and banana, etc., help the body's absorption and metabolism of fat.

Third, the heat is not cold: moon cakes are rich in fat, and should not be used to drink cold drinks when eating, otherwise it will cause diarrhea. It's best to have a hot cup of tea or a glass of boiling water to eat while you drink.

In addition, it is worth noting that people with diabetes eat moon cakes to reduce their appetite accordingly, even if they eat sugar-free moon cakes, they must also reduce their appetite. Reporter Liu Shaolong correspondent on behalf of handsome

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