Shelf vegetable fertilization "five to five look"

Fifth, it is necessary to mature the farmyard fertilizer. The use of farmhouse fertilizer in greenhouses must be fully decomposed. Because the farmhouse has no bacteria and eggs that are not matured, the diseases will be transmitted after the vegetables are applied. In addition, if farmhouse manures are decomposed in the greenhouse, ammonia burning burns the seedlings. Therefore, farmyard fertilizers should be fully cooked before application.
The fertilization method should be scientific and reasonable. The base fertilizer is best applied one week before the colonization of the vegetables and evenly mixed with the soil. Fertilizer can be planted 7-10 cm away from the plant ditch or hole chase, top dressing immediately after dressing, watering, should not be directly sprinkled with fertilizer on the ground or plants, so as to avoid fertilizer volatile or burn vegetable seedlings. The top-dressing topdressing should be carried out during the period when the vegetables are in peak demand and during the late growth period of the vegetables. It should be done when cloudy days or late evenings are selected. Fertilizer should be sprayed as far as possible onto the back of the new leaves and leaves for vegetable absorption.
The amount of chemical fertilizer should be appropriate. Indoor shed fertilizer is not easy to lose, excessive application of chemical fertilizers, easily lead to increased concentrations of salt in the soil, from time to time will affect the normal growth of vegetables, while the weight will result in secondary salinization of the soil. Therefore, before fertilization, fertility determination, formula fertilization, and blind application should be avoided.
Application of trace fertilizer should be appropriate. Although the demand for trace element fertilizers on vegetables is small, its role in the metabolism of vegetables is great. The commonly used micronutrients include boron, molybdenum, zinc, and iron fertilizers. Microelement fertilizer is used as base fertilizer and can also be used for seed dressing, soaking or top dressing. The range between the appropriate amount of fertilizer and excess fertilizer is relatively narrow, and the dosage must be accurate to avoid causing fertilizer damage.
Use plant growth regulators properly. The use of good plant growth regulators will promote the production of vegetables. However, each type of conditioner has certain conditions and scope in application. In particular, it is necessary to grasp the time and concentration of use, and care must be taken to avoid increasing the yield of vegetables.
Take a look at five kinds of vegetable fertilizers. Different types of vegetables require different amounts of nutrient elements, and leafy vegetables require large quantities of nitrogen. In addition to nitrogen, solanaceous fruits also require large amounts of phosphorus and potassium. Eggplant, tomato, and green pepper are all eggplants. Tomato needs more potassium than eggplant and green peppers. The root system of beans has a nitrogen-fixing effect, and nitrogen fertilizer can be appropriately used.
See fertilization during childbirth. Different fertility stages of the same crop require different types and quantities of nutrient nutrients, which should change with fertilization. Fruit vegetables need less fertilizer at the seedling stage, but require nutrient-rich, so the preparation quality of the nutrient soil at the seedling stage is the key to cultivating strong seedlings, and the absorption amount at the initial harvest period accounts for about 70% of the total fertilizer absorption amount. Therefore, it is necessary to chase the mixed fertilizer once.
Look at weather conditions and topdressing. Fertilizer utilization changes with changes in temperature, moisture, and light conditions. At a suitable temperature and moisture, utilization is high when light is sufficient, otherwise utilization is low. Therefore, the top dressing should be filled with water as early as possible after sunny or warm weather.
Look at soil fertilization. Sandy soil has poor fertility retention capacity. Once the amount of fertilizer is too large, it will cause the loss of nutrients. It is necessary to adopt a fertility method that uses less meals and more meals. The viscous soil has a good fertilizer-holding ability. It can take one more fertilization and reduce the number of top dressings. save time.
See fertilizer fertilization. The general agricultural fertilizer is used as the base fertilizer, and the human excreta and pig manure contain more nitrogen, which is suitable for the base fertilizer of leafy vegetables; the poultry manure contains more phosphorus and potassium, and it is better to make the base fertilizer of fruit and vegetable. Fertilizers and chemical fertilizers should be used together with nutrient content, such as over-soil and potassium sulfate. Base fertilizers and topdressing should also be used with reasonable nutrient types and levels. Such as the cultivation of tomato base fertilizer, nitrogen and phosphorus potassium with the appropriate, lack of calcium, calcium fertilizer will be added in top dressing, calcium deficiency tomatoes are easy to get the umbilical rot.

Water Distiller

Distilled water machine refers to a machine that uses distillation to prepare pure water. Distilled water can be divided into once and multiple times. After the water is distilled once, the non-volatile components are removed in the container, and the volatile components enter the initial fraction of distilled water. Usually, only the middle part of the fraction is collected, accounting for about 60%. To get more pure water, add alkaline potassium permanganate solution to distilled water to remove organic matter and carbon dioxide; add non-volatile acid to make ammonia become non-volatile ammonium salt. Because glass contains a small amount of water-soluble components, it is necessary to use a quartz distillation vessel to obtain very pure water when performing two or more distillations. The obtained pure water should be stored in a quartz or silver container.

working principle

The working principle of the distilled water machine: the production is to boil the source water to evaporate and condense and recover, which consumes a lot of heat energy and the cost is not too low. The other evaporating substances in the source water used to make distilled water will also follow the distilled water. It is formed and condensed into distilled water, such as phenols and benzene compounds that are harmful to health, and even evaporable mercury. To obtain pure water or ultra-pure water, it must be distilled twice or three times and other purification methods must be added.

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