Nutritionist recommended scientific food collocation

We have a wide variety of foods that we eat every day, but how to mix foods properly and eat well is the most concerned issue. Recently, authoritative medical experts and nutritionists recommended the scientific collocation method for eating food.

Spinach promotes sexual function, helps muscle growth, strengthens heart health and bone growth, while also improving visual acuity. Spinach is also rich in folic acid, which can help reduce the incidence of heart disease and stroke. In addition, spinach is also rich in lutein, a compound that combats age-related deterioration.

Dietitian advice: Spinach can be added to salads and fried with eggs.

Recommended - sesame and spinach: Spinach spinach into boiling water for 3 minutes, dry water control, stir 1 spoon soy sauce, 1 spoon cooked sesame seeds and a little garlic, salt, chicken, you can eat.

Yogurt is the best food for fighting cancer. It also has many benefits such as strengthening bones and improving immunity.

Dietitian advice: yogurt with blueberries, walnuts and honey is the best breakfast or snack.

Recommendation - yogurt drink: Strawberry (other fruits can also be) into the juice machine labeled juice, and then mix well with the yogurt can be.

Carrots have the function of fighting cancer, but also can enhance immunity and improve the eyesight. Most red, yellow, or orange fruits and vegetables contain carotenoids. These fat-soluble compounds inhibit many types of cancer and reduce the risk of asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and other diseases. Daily intake 1/ Two cups of carrot juice are the ideal ingredients.

Dietitians recommend: To get enough carotene, the following foods are a good choice, such as carrots, yellow pepper, pumpkin, mango, sweet potato and so on.

Recommended - carrots and chicken slices: The carrot slices, chicken slices with wet starch hanging paste, put the chicken into the pan boiled, and then pour carrot slices with fry, add salt and chicken seasoning when eight minutes can be cooked .

Blueberry contains a brain active agent that fights cancer, promotes heart health and immune system health. Blueberries are also rich in antioxidants that can help prevent cancer, diabetes, and age-related memory loss. Blueberries also have the name "brain berries." Research shows that blueberries contain a lot of fiber, vitamins A and C, which are good for cardiovascular health.

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