What Does Diabetes Eat? Diet Therapy 8 Myths

Myth One: Diet Therapy is Hunger Therapy

Some diabetics will not dare to eat once they have been diagnosed. Only eat some so-called low-sugar foods such as bean noodles, noodles, miscellaneous noodles, and oatmeal, etc. in order to control blood sugar. In fact, the sugar content of these foods is about 60% to 70%, but it is difficult to absorb. Eating these foods for a long period of time can easily lead to nutritional disorders in patients, making the patient gradually fatigued, wasted, and reduced immunity, which is not conducive to the recovery of islet function. Because of this blind pursuit of diet control, many diabetic patients have developed nutritional deficiencies. At the same time, due to insufficient nutrient intake, the energy needed for human activities can only be provided by the body's decomposition of fat, which may cause ketoacidosis, and even severe cases may endanger life.

Misunderstanding 2: Unsweetened food can eat more

The sweetness of food is because it contains monosaccharides or disaccharides such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose, and the intake of these sugars causes an increase in blood sugar. Some polysaccharide foods such as starch, although not sweet, will break down into glucose after digestion, which will also lead to elevated blood sugar. Therefore, in regulating diets, not only sugary foods should be limited, but also non-sweetened foods such as rice, steamed bread, and biscuits should be limited. The general principle is to control the total amount of carbohydrates, including monosaccharides and double sugars. Sugar, polysaccharides (mainly starches), not just sweets. In other words, as long as a reasonable amount of carbohydrate intake is ensured, sweets can be eaten in moderation.

Misunderstanding 3: Only control the staple food, non-staple food can eat more

In non-staple foods such as meat, eggs, milk, etc. Although the sugar content is not high, but rich in protein and fat, in the body can be converted to glucose, this process is particularly active for diabetics, so more food will also increase blood sugar.

Misunderstanding 4: Coarse grains contain less sugar, eat more

Coarse grains contain more dietary fiber. Although dietary fiber has the effects of lowering blood sugar, lipid, and bowel movements, it is beneficial to the body, but eating more may increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, and affect the absorption of nutrients, resulting in malnutrition in the long term. But not good for the body.

Myth 5: Soy products can eat more

Soybean products are not high in sugar and calories, and soy isoflavones have a certain control over blood sugar. Therefore, soy products are more suitable for diabetics than animal proteins, but for some patients, the onset of diabetes is usually combined. Kidney disease, while ingesting large amounts of protein can cause a great burden on the kidneys, even causing irreversible damage. Therefore, patients with diabetic nephropathy can not blindly eat soy products, so as not to aggravate the condition.

Myth 6: Pumpkin can be hypoglycemic

The pumpkin polysaccharide contained in the pumpkin has a good effect on the control of blood sugar, but the pumpkin also contains a large amount of carbohydrates, and if it is eaten too much, the postprandial blood glucose will increase rapidly. Therefore, it is best for diabetics to eat pumpkin as a vegetable instead of eating in large quantities.

Misunderstanding 7: Diabetes patients and fruits missed

Fruit contains a lot of trace elements, such as chromium, manganese, to improve the body's insulin activity has a very good help. Under the premise of controlling the total amount of carbohydrate intake, if the patient chooses fruits with lower carbohydrate content as snacks, it will help reduce the burden on the pancreas.

Myth 8: Limit drinking water

Some patients have limited drinking and polyuria due to early onset of illness and restrict drinking water. This is not appropriate. Thirst is because glucose drains from the urine and takes away a lot of water. Therefore, when you are thirsty, you should drink water without restriction; otherwise, it will cause dehydration or hyperviscosity.

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