Can pregnant women eat crabs?

Can you eat crabs? It has become a concern for many pregnant women.

This crab is a super high protein, but traditional Chinese medicine theory in our country holds that crabs can promote blood circulation and have abortion, which can cause bleeding and miscarriage in early pregnancy. Which one do you listen to? ?


Do not eat crabs for at least four months from the time you know you are pregnant. because:

1. Crabs are cold, easy to have parasites, and some are fed with oxytocin, which contains hormones, which are factors to be considered;

2, shrimp and crab protein components and humans are not exactly the same, pregnant women eat shrimp and crab easily affect the fetal nerves, especially the first five months of pregnancy when the fetus is not finished when the effect is somewhat.

There are friends in real life who love shrimps and crabs during pregnancy. Some of the children are really not quiet, which may be related to eating shrimps and crabs.

The traditional Chinese medicine theory in our country believes that crabs can promote blood circulation and firmness and have a role in abortion. After eating, it can cause bleeding and miscarriages in early pregnancy. Crabs, cold in nature, have the effect of activating blood circulation, especially crab claws, and have obvious abortion effects. In modern science, although the theory that pregnant women eating crabs can lead to miscarriage does not have a strong scientific basis, we still recommend that pregnant women eat less. Even if there is no evidence that crabs can be aborted, because of the high cholesterol content in crabs, it is an indisputable fact that children, pregnant women, and people with certain diseases should not eat crabs excessively.

Medicinal Value Analysis from Crabs: Are You Pregnant with Crabs?

Some people say that eating crabs during pregnancy can lead to fetal skin sensitivity or poor skin, and some people say that eating crabs is prone to miscarriage. Is that correct? Can pregnant women eat crabs? Crabs are delicious, nutritious, and contain a lot of protein. And fat, more calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins and other substances. It is both a nourishing food and a good look. It is very popular with people. The Song Dynasty poet Huang Tingjian praised crabs: "A belly of metal and jade, two full moon moons." But for pregnant women, crabs are absolutely uneatable food.

Crabs are not only edible, but also used as medicine. Common stone crabs, hairy crabs, crabs, lake crabs, river crabs, river crabs and so on. Crabs are mainly eaten, medicinal crabs are more. "The pearl capsule remedy sex Fu" said: "The main crab heat knot chest, Huang Nenghua paint for water, claws can break the bloody moon platform." "Thundercannon drug solution" records: "crab, the main scattered blood breaking knot, Yiqi Yangjing, in addition to chest heat bored, sore paint sores. "Can cure bruises, tendon fractures, congestion, swelling and pain, and women postpartum hemorrhagic abdominal pain, dystocia, fetal clothing no less embolism. Crab claws 60 grams, supplemented by rice wine, water with the fried, and then people donkey-hide gelatin, that is, under the birth of birth medicine.

Therefore, given their medicinal properties, pregnant women should not eat crabs. Pregnant women who have habitual abortions must not eat crabs. Crab nutrition is very rich, rich in protein and calcium, but it is also very easy to cause allergies and diarrhea food, if these two conditions, it is easy to endanger the fetus, it is not recommended that pregnant women eat too much, can be a small amount edible.

If it is a crab-free pregnant woman, eating crabs will not damage the fetus. If the pregnant woman's original constitution is sensitive to crabs, then pregnant mothers are advised not to eat crabs, because pregnant women who are sensitive to crabs are likely to pass this sensitive symptom to the fetus. If pregnant women themselves are not sensitive to crabs, even eating crabs will not result in fetal skin sensitivity and poor skin. In short, if there is no allergies, pregnant women without habitual abortion can eat small amounts of crabs. However, for the sake of safety, it is recommended that pregnant women do not eat, but it does not mean that they cannot eat crabs.

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