How to save food poisoning

The newspaper reported a food poisoning incident at a restaurant in Dongsi Street, Kunming, and several citizens had symptoms of poisoning. Subsequently, the food and drug supervisors and the industry and commerce authorities examined the poisoned foods. The poisoned persons were rescued by medical staff on site. This was the case of yesterday's community residents' committees in Jinbi Sub-district Office and Xishan District's food, medicine, and industrial and commercial enterprises. Abrupt food safety drills. Although it was only a drill, it could be related to food safety and still attract the attention of many people.

In order to improve the ability of multi-sectors to comprehensively deal with sudden food safety incidents and spread food safety knowledge to the public, at 14 o'clock yesterday, the staff members of the Jinbi Subdistrict Office and the 15 communities in the area, the First People's Hospital of Kunming City, and the Jinbi Police Station A number of units, including the Jinbi Industry and Commerce Office, conducted a food safety emergency drill on Dongsi Street. The drill simulated the symptoms of physical discomfort after a number of residents had dine in restaurants, dialed 120 and made complaints to community food specialists. The sub-district office immediately launched an emergency plan. Industry and commerce, food and drug supervision agencies and other functional departments were involved in the investigation, and police officers at the local police station in the area maintained the order at the scene.

The highlight is that medical staff take the unhealthy “food poisoning” out of the restaurant, perform vomiting work, and take emergency measures such as blood pressure and heart rate monitoring. With residents who are “not feeling well” being taken out of the restaurant by medical staff, the citizens stepped forward and listened to the doctors' explanations on the rescue of food poisoning. Due to the large number of people who listened to the doctor, the doctor was “surrounded” by three layers inside and out. A woman wanted to jump the team. The result was criticized by many people and she could only go to one side and listen. Many people consult their doctors about first aid after listening. The citizen Mr. Liu said that this was the first time he had learned how to carry out emergency rescue after the occurrence of food poisoning.

Doctor tips

Poisoning different rescue methods are also different

According to Qiu Yang, an emergency medical doctor in Kunming City, people need to be rescued according to different circumstances after food poisoning. "First, call 120 immediately. If the poisoned person does not have a coma, let him drink plenty of water. Then he should vomit as soon as possible to relieve the discomfort. If he is half-coma, he should lie flat on his head and not lie on his head. The accumulation blocks the breath, and checks its heart rate pulse, etc.; if there is a serious situation such as coma, respiratory arrest, etc., the poisoned person should be allowed to lie flat and press the heart, while holding their jaws with both hands and let their heads Yang ensures effective breathing."

Qiu Yang also reminded the public that if there is poisoning after eating with irritating foods, it is necessary to give poisoned people cold milk, which can protect the gastric mucosa and reduce the stomach's absorption of toxic substances.

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