The best black tea in winter

Black tea is fermented tea, because its dry tea color and brewing tea soup are mainly red, hence the name. Tea is a popular drink and is generally divided into three categories: green tea, black tea and oolong tea. Green tea is more common in Asian countries, and western countries are more accustomed to drinking black tea. Chinese people have been drinking tea for more than a thousand years.

Black tea produced new components such as theaflavins and thearubigins during the processing. The aroma substances increased from more than 50 kinds in fresh leaves to more than 300 kinds, and some caffeine, catechins and theaflavin complexed into a delicious taste. The complexes thus formed the quality characteristics of black tea, red soup, red leaves and sweet taste alcohol.

Drinking black tea in winter is the top grade. Black tea sweet warm, can raise human yang; black tea is rich in protein and sugar, warm and warm belly, enhance the body's ability to resist cold, but also help digestion, to greasy.

Black tea has a strong effect in preventing and treating myocardial infarction.

Black tea has stronger anti-aging effects than garlic, broccoli and carrots.

Black tea is rich in protein and can complement body.

black tea

Changyin green tea can prevent obesity

Green tea is not fermented tea, slightly bitter taste of the cold, with heat, refreshing summer, detoxification, fire, dryness, thirst, Sheng Jin, strong heart refreshing effect.

The old leaves of green tea are rich in catechins, and catechins have a strong ability to resist free radicals and are beneficial to cancer control. The dissolution rate of catechins increases with the increase of water temperature, and it is suitable for boiling water for drinking.

Green tea contains more vitamin C than black tea. Every day, 2-3 cups of green tea can basically meet the needs of the body for vitamin C.

Vitamins Bi, B2, and vitamin P in green tea are also higher than black tea. Therefore, green tea is more effective than black tea in antibacterial, anti-aging and arteriosclerosis, mutation suppression, radiation damage prevention, cholesterol and lipid reduction, and child caries prevention.

Green tea contains a lot of tea polyphenols. Tea polyphenols are the generic term for phenols in tea. It is a complex composed of more than 30 phenolic substances, including catechins, glycosides, anthocyanins, and phenolic acids. When the black tea is fermented, catechins, phenolic acids, etc. are oxidatively destroyed and lose their preservative effect. The active ingredients in green tea can inhibit the growth of cancer cells to urokinase.

The buds of green tea are rich in theanine and soaked in cold water for about half an hour to dissolve theanine. Changyin can prevent obesity, stroke and heart disease.

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