Ejiao's several traditional ways of eating

Ejiao's several traditional servings:

1. Milk bluntly Enamel will be crushed into a fine powder, each time take 3 grams placed in a milk cup, while stirring while adding, so that the Ejiao powder is fully soluble in milk, warm clothes, taste sweet and soft long aftertaste.
At present, there are instant "Ajiaobaobao" granules, which are made from gelatin, milk, chocolate, cocoa powder and sweeteners. They are health foods.

2. Puffed foods Using the microwave oven to do the gelatin puffing test, the delicious and delicious gelatin beads are obtained, which are directly contained in the mouth, the pure fragrance lasting, and the effect is satisfactory. The method is as follows: First, the powder is placed evenly on the tray of the microwave oven. .5 centimeters thick, and then will be broken into the size of the soybean gelatin gelatin 0.5 centimeters each other scattered to the top of the lotus root powder, press the microwave start button, set the firepower 10 times, 3 minutes can be scheduled.

3. The stew pot can be divided into the following three steps.
(1) Put the crushed gum into the soup pot and add rice wine for 12 hours;
(2) Take a certain amount of crystal sugar, add water into crystal sugar water, filter the residue, and pour it into the soft donkey-hide gelatin.
(3) Place the gelatin container in the pan, steam for 1-2 hours, take it out and let cool.

be careful:
(1) donkey-hide gelatin is hot, it is best to eat in the morning, fasting can eat.
(2) Ejiao and Huanghuangjiao are similar in effectiveness and often used in clinical practice. Ejiao nourishing yin and blood force is better, yellow gelatin can also reduce swelling, and the new Ejiao's blood effect is better than Ejiao.

According to their own preferences, users can add donkey-hide gelatin when cooking, cooking, and drinking water. Such as:
1 Ejiao porridge Take glutinous rice 100g cooked, wait for cooked into the gelatin 15g Shaozhu, simmer Serve.
Function: nourishing blood, nourishing yin and lungs.
2 donkey-hide gelatin egg soup stewed with a spoonful of honey, a red egg, daily breakfast before taking better.
Indications: cough and asthma, chronic cough, and asthma embolism.
3 donkey-hide gelatin onion white honey with fresh water, fried three light green, go to the onion, into the donkey-hide two money, add honey, two spoons dissolved, warm clothes before eating.
Efficacy: Yang Yin Sheng Jin, laxative. Indications: The deafness of the old man is constipation.
4 donkey-hide gelatin sweet meat production: lean meat 250g washed and cut into pieces, first stewed into the mature gelatin 20g sugar 50g, 5 pepper stew until cooked, the fire by gravy. Function: treatment of anemia.
5 Ejiao wine will be cut into small pieces of Ejiao 80g (or chopped), set a small altar, pour the appropriate amount of rice wine, the altar placed on the broiled boil, while continuing to add rice wine to the altar, until the wine to add, Ejiao After the end of the chemical treatment, about 500 ml of wine can be taken out of the cold and put into a bottle. Each morning, evening, and evening, each fasting drink 20 ~ 30ml.
Efficacy: blood to stop bleeding, nourishing yin, lungs.
Indications: blood deficiency chlorosis, consumptive emaciated lean, looking minimalist, dizzy heart palpitations, yin deficiency cough and so on.
6 donkey-hide gelatin stew broth 200 grams of wild quail meat washed into the boiling water to remove blood water, picked up into the stew, add soup, donkey-hide gelatin (30 grams of steamed), jujube 12, ginger, Onion knots, salt, covered with a lid, stew in pots, stir-fry 2 hours on the cage, after leaving the cage, put away the ginger, scallion, sprinkled with pepper, sesame oil can be poured.
7 donkey-hide gelatin boiled jujube Take 10 jujube set pot, add appropriate amount of water cooked, add minced ejiao 6g, dissolve, brown sugar amount seasoning. Drink soup and dates. Efficacy: nourishing blood and spleen. Indications: heart and spleen deficiency, heart palpitations and insomnia.

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