Healthy food inventory

In recent years, heart disease has become the country’s number one killer. How to protect the heart is a problem that everyone is very concerned about. Nutritionists point out that the health of the heart is closely related to the daily diet. Foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A, folic acid, etc., can not only play a role in removing blood fat and protecting the cardiovascular system. If the cooking method is correct, they are also good for protecting the heart.

Experts point out that having a healthy weight and a healthy body shape can create a healthy heart. And a healthy diet is the key. But what most people should know is that what food is eaten is a good way to get you on the road to health. But it does not mean that you should eat all the food in the store. We pay attention to the natural state of food. For example, raw vegetables are the best, followed by steaming or frying. The skin of fresh potatoes is rich in vitamins and nutrients, but potato chips will clog your arteries. Whole-wheat oatmeal is perfect for you, but the sugary, processed instant oatmeal package lacks many beneficial ingredients and its untreated impurities. Avoiding processed foods will make you healthier, and regular consumption of the following 15 foods will make your heart healthier.

Yang Xin diet principle:

High potassium and high magnesium foods help reduce arrhythmias

The trace elements potassium and magnesium can protect cardiomyocytes. If the supply of potassium and magnesium is insufficient, arrhythmia, tachycardia, and anxiety will occur. When these symptoms occur, especially pay attention to supplement foods containing more potassium and magnesium, such as beans, cereals, peanuts, kelp, seaweed, fungus, spinach, tomatoes, bananas, lean beef, fish and so on.

Prevention of early hardening of arteriosclerosis calcium

Occurs in atherosclerotic heart disease in the elderly, and is related to calcium deficiency in middle age. Foods containing more calcium include dairy products, beans, sesame seeds, etc.

Trichrome, manganese, iodine essential

This is the three trace elements that are easily overlooked. Grains such as cereals, beans, nuts, and tea contain more chromium and manganese; foods containing seaweed and kelp are richest in iodine.

Vitamin E and C are "double insurance" for strong heart

Such foods should focus on obtaining fresh vegetables and fruits such as vitamin C and vitamin B. In addition, you can also from sesame. Vitamin E is obtained in foods such as sesame oil and walnuts.

Pay attention to proportions, impartiality

Modern medicine believes that there are several principles that should be followed when ingesting nutritious foods: the proportion of vegetal and animal protein accounts for 50% each; it is appropriate to use other foods;


It is lower than most fats and saturated fatty acids found in most meats, especially marine fish, which have higher omega-3 fatty acids and can increase "good" cholesterol in the blood and help remove "bad" cholesterol. Studies have shown that this fatty acid can also reduce the risk of stroke, which is one of the reasons for the low prevalence of stroke among countries with large numbers of sea fish. Sea fish is best steamed so that it can protect its nutrients from damage.

Soybeans and their products

Contains a variety of essential amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids, can promote body fat and cholesterol metabolism, and maintain cardiovascular and patency. When it is eaten, besides processing soy milk, soybean curd, bean curd, soy bean rice can also be made. When cooking, first soy beans with hot water for more than 4 hours, and then change the water plus rice cooking, so you can easily dissolve the polysaccharide polysaccharides in soybeans, so as not to cause abdominal distension.

Black sesame

Rich in vitamin E, great for maintaining the elasticity of the blood vessel wall. In addition, it is rich in α-linolenic acid, which can also lower blood pressure and prevent thrombosis. Because the nutritional content of black sesame seeds is hidden in the seeds. Therefore, it must be broken before eating. It is advisable to fry it first to open it, or to grind black sesame into powder.


Rich in linoleic acid and B vitamins, it prevents atherosclerotic plaque formation. In addition, because oats contain a large amount of water-soluble cellulose, can reduce blood cholesterol, therefore, regular consumption of oats, can balance the diet, balanced nutrition, prevent hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Oats can be boiled with water or milk, and nuts or fresh fruit can be added, both nutritious and delicious. In addition, eating whole wheat bread has the same effect.

Spinach and carrot

Spinach is rich in folic acid. Studies have shown that taking folic acid can reduce the risk of heart disease by 25%. Carotene in carrots can be converted to vitamin A, keeping blood vessels open and preventing strokes. Spinach contains a lot of oxalic acid, it will hinder the absorption of calcium, it is best to use leeches before eating. Carrots need to be fried in oil to make the carotene really absorbed by the body.

Black Fungus

Contains more glial-like active substances, this substance can significantly shorten the clotting time, play a role in clearing blood vessels and preventing thrombosis. Because black fungus has a unique role in the two-way regulation of hemostasis and blood circulation, it is also known as a “natural anticoagulant,” which is very beneficial for the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. However, black fungus has a soft stool, easily diarrhea are unfit for human consumption.

green tea

Nutrients are extremely rich, of which the most noteworthy is tea polyphenols. Studies have found that tea polyphenols can reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood and have the effects of preventing arteriosclerosis, lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, and preventing thrombosis. Since tea polyphenols are not resistant to high temperatures, they cannot be brewed with boiling water, and warm water brewing can exert its health functions. In fact, in addition to green tea, other such as black tea, flower tea, green tea (oolong tea), white tea, yellow tea and black tea (Pu'er tea), have lower serum cholesterol and triglyceride.

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