Prevention of celery hollow three elements

1. Variety selection: Select high-quality, good-quality solid celery fine varieties, such as Four Seasons Celery, Bailey Celery, Ventura, Jinnan Shiqin No. 1, American Celery and so on.

2. Cultivation Techniques: Choose lands that are rich in organic matter, have strong water retention and fertility, and have good drainage and irrigation conditions. According to the determination, in the same situation of fertilizer and water, the salt is alkaline, more viscous, large sand and serious diseases and insect pests are prone to hollow disease. Indoor greenhouse cultivation celery, the daytime temperature of 18 °C ~ 23 °C, do not exceed 25 °C, night 13 °C ~ 18 °C, not lower than 10 °C, the ground temperature to 13 °C ~ 18 °C appropriate. The base fertilizer should be applied enough, and the top-dressing fertilizer in the growing season should be mainly available nitrogen fertilizer. The top dressing should be promptly watered without being de-fertilized, and the measures of pouring water with small water and applying thin fertilizer should be adopted. During the vigorous growth period, water supply and fertilizer shall be continuously provided, and fertilizer shall be applied once every 15-20 days. Gibberellin has the effect of promoting the growth of celery. However, only when the supply of water and fertilizer is sufficient, the management measures are appropriate, and the spraying of celery itself is relatively thick, it can achieve the effect of increasing production.

3. Harvesting period: The harvesting period of celery is not obvious. As long as the achievement is long, it should be harvested in time. If the harvest period is late, the leaf petiole will age, the ability of the leaves to produce nutrients will decrease, and the ability to absorb roots will be weakened. At this time, the parenchyma cells in the petiole will be ruptured due to aging and nutritional deficiencies and hollowed out.

Honey produced by bees from a wide variety of flowers, in which no particular species of flower predominates. Its colour and flavour can vary: from amber to darker tones, and from sweeter to more intense flavours. Slow to crystallize in small crystals.

Polyfloral Honey is the most popular and searched honey, collected by multiple field and mountain flowering species. This type of honey is highly appreciated for its rich flavor profile, nutritional and medicinal qualities as well as higher content of minerals compared to most monofloral honeys. The darker the color of the honey, the more natural pigments it contains which is the cause of a stronger antioxidant action. Rich in different pollen types and varied nutritional profile, polyflora honey contribute a stronger immune system and better health. Each nectar in its composition brings elements with a unique therapeutic action, making polyfloral honey delicious and healthier option.

Polyfloral Honey

Pure White Honey,Pure ELA Honey,Pure Amber Honey

Ningxia Natural Honey Product Technology And Development Co., Ltd. ,