What kind of vegetables to eat in winter: Eight kinds of seasonal vegetables will not happen

Introduction: What vegetables to eat in winter? In winter, the weather is cold and dry, this time to pay attention to health care, eat more seasonal vegetables is a good choice, vegetables are often eaten in people's daily life food, the nutritional value of vegetables is very rich, and many types, ... ...


First place: Spinach

Spinach contains a large amount of beta-carotene, iron, and is an excellent source of vitamin B6, folic acid, and potassium.

Studies have confirmed that spinach is one of the best sources of lutein and can prevent eye aging. Antioxidants and vitamin K, which are rich in spinach, activate brain function and strengthen bones.

Second place: Western Cuisine

Also known as watercress, watercress, is common in southern China, such as Guangdong and Guangxi, can be eaten throughout the year, especially from the early winter to the end of spring the best quality. British research has confirmed that watercress is rich in antioxidants and can kill free radicals. It can be eaten before exercise to enhance fitness.

Food taboos

Deficiency of spleen and stomach, deficiency of lung and kidney, loose stools, and pregnant women are all unfit for food. Very suitable for hot cough, but cold cough are unfit for human consumption.


1. Western dishes must be put in the water, otherwise, it will be bitter.

2. Western cuisine must be washed, because the place where the vegetables are usually have some algae, must be washed to eat.

Third place: Green cabbage

Is a cruciferous family, rich in vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, dietary fiber, and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, can enhance immunity, but also detoxification. It is noteworthy that the outer leaves of cabbage contain much more nutrients than the cabbage.

Cabbage is rich in crude fiber, which can not only play a role in intestines, promote detoxification but also stimulate gastrointestinal motility, promote excretion of stool, and help digestion.

Fourth place: Chicory

Chicory is a dual-purpose medicinal and edible plant. Its root contains inulin and aromatic substances, which can promote the activities of human digestive organs.

The leaves of chicory are tender, juicy and nutrient-rich. The crude protein content in the foliage is 22.87%, and the crude protein content in the early flowering phase is 14.73%, averaging 17%. The early flowering period contained 2.1% of crude fat and 30.6% of crude fiber. Chicory is rich in amino acids. The content of 9 kinds of essential amino acids in leaf phloem is higher than that of alfalfa meal, and vitamins, carotene and calcium are abundant.

Fifth Place: Oil Wheat Dish

Oil and vegetables are rich in moisture and low in calories. They contain vitamin C, vitamin B2, carotene, and calcium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. It is also a good source of dietary fiber and can prevent constipation.

The protein content of lettuce is 40% higher than that of lettuce, 1.4 times higher than that of carotene, twice higher calcium content and 33% higher iron content. The oil-vegetable green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins, calcium, and iron. The contents of vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C are not low, so it is said to be the top grade in "raw raw vegetables."

Sixth: Celery

Each 100 grams of celery contains 2.2 grams of protein, 8.5 milligrams of calcium, 61 milligrams of phosphorus, 8.5 milligrams of iron, and rich in carotene and multivitamins. The protein content is twice as high as that of ordinary fruits and vegetables, and the iron content is about 20 times that of tomatoes. .

It should be noted that the nutritional content of celery leaves is higher than the celery stalk, the carotene content is 88 times that of the stem, and vitamin B1 is 17 times that of the stem.

Seventh place: Roman lettuce

At present, there is no Roman lettuce in this country, but its nutritional value is similar to that of lettuce. Rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, etc., dietary fiber and mineral content is also very rich.

Eating more lettuce is of great benefit to the human digestive system. Lettuce also contains lettuce, with heat, anti-inflammatory, hypnotic effects.

Eighth: Kale

This vegetable, which has been widely respected in recent years, has now been introduced into China, but it is still in the cultivation stage and has not been widely planted. It is rich in vitamins, biologically active substances and minerals and has high nutritional value.

Kale contains a lot of vitamins A, C, B2 and various minerals, especially high levels of calcium, iron and potassium. The content of vitamin C is very high, and the vitamin C content per 100 grams of young leaves reaches 153.6-220 mg, which is comparable to that of broccoli in cabbage. With only 209 Joules of heat, it is ideal for bodybuilding and weight loss.

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